Karl Marx: A Biography

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(Moscow, 1964 ) 11 273 ff. Marx referred generally to Bakunin's ideas about
this time as 'a grotesque programme ... thoughdess babblings. .. insipid
80. M. Bakunin, Correspondance avec Herzen et Ogareff (Paris, 1896 ) pp. 290 ff.
81. Quoted in F. Mehring, Karl Marx, p. 404.
82. On the strength of the International, see further J. Braunthal, History of the
International 1 106 ff.
83. See further, J. Rougerie, 'Sur l'Histoire de la iere Internationale' Le Mouve-
ment Social (May-June 1965 ) pp. 30 ff.
84. Engels to Cuno, MEW XXXIII 461 f.
85. See comment on pp. 394 ff. below.
86. Marx to Engels, MEW XXIII 5.
87. 'First Address on the Franco-Prussian War', MESW 1 488. The sometimes
peculiar English of the three Addresses is accounted for by the fact that they
were drafted by Marx in English of which his command was never perfect.
88. Op. cit., 1 489.
89. Op. cit., 1 450.
90. Engels to Marx, MEW XXXIII 125 f.
91. Marx to Paul and Laura Lafargue, MEW XXXIII 125 f.
92. MESW 1 495.
93. Marx to Sorge, MEW XXXIII 140.
94. MESW 1 490.
95. Ibid., 492.
96. Marx to Meyer, Letters to Americans (New York, 1953 ) p. 81.
97. Marx to Engels, MEW XXXIII 54.
98. Engels to Marx, MEW XXXIII 61.
99. Marx to Kugelmann, MEW XXXIII 209.
100. Ibid.
101. Engels to Sorge, MESC, p. 288.
102. MESW 1 485.
103. Probably the best overall historical view is S. Edwards, The Paris Commune
(London, 1971). Marx's own writings are most easily available in K. Marx
and F. Engels, On the Paris Commune; see also K. Marx and F. Engels,
Writings on the Paris Commune, ed. H. Draper (New York, 1971).
104. Engels had constructed a plan for the defence of Paris against the Prussians.
This plan was destroyed by his executors, Bebel and Bernstein, in order to
remove evidence of his 'treason against the fatherland'.
105. H. Oberwinder, Sozialismus und Sozialpolitik (Berlin, 1887 ) p. 55.
106. Marx to Liebknecht, MEW XXXIII 200.
107. Marx to Kugelmann, MEW XXXIII 205.
[08. Marx to Domela Nieuwenhuis, MESC p. 226.
109. Marx to Frankel and Varlin, MEW XXXIII 216.

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