Karl Marx: A Biography

(coco) #1

  1. The General Council of the First International, Minutes, iv 169.
    HI. Marx to Frankel, MEW xxm 265.

  2. Marx to Frankel, MESC, p. 265.

  3. 'The Civil War in France', MESW 1 JOI.

  4. MESW 1 506.

  5. Ibid., 516.

  6. Ibid., 518.

  7. MESW 1 520 f.

  8. Engels wrote later of Marx's ascribing 'the unconscious tendencies of the
    Commune... to its credit as more or less conscious plans'. Engels to
    Bernstein, MESC, p. 366.

  9. MESW 1 522.

  10. Ibid., 523.

  11. Ibid., 529.

  12. Ibid., 530.

  13. Ibid., 536.

  14. Ibid., 541.

  15. 'The Civil War in France', MESW 1 516.

  16. According to the estimates of the Versailles Government 17,00 0 people were
    killed during the final 'semaine sanglante' and later research puts the figure
    even higher.

  17. Marx to Domela Nieuwenhuis, MESW, p. 338.

  18. 'The Civil War in France', MESW 1 541.

  19. Marx to Kugelmann, MEW xxxm 238.

  20. The World, New York, 18 July 1871. The text is most readily available in 'An
    interview with Karl Marx', Labour Monthly, June 1972.

  21. Jenny Marx in Liebknechts Briefwechsel, ed. G. Eckert (The Hague, 1963 )
    p. 169.

  22. Jenny Marx (daughter) to Andreas Kugelmann, Dokumente, p. 263.

  23. Ibid.

  24. Cf. Eleanor Marx to Liebknecht, Leibknechts Briefwechsel, pp. 413 ff.

  25. Cf. 'Speech on the Seventh Anniversary of the International', MEW xvn

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136. See further, A. Lehning, From Buonarotti to Bakunin (Leiden, 1970 ) ch. vii.
On Bakunin, see E. H. Carr, Michael Bakunin (London and New York, 1937).
Also P. Ansart, Marx et I'Anarchisme (Paris, 1969).
137. See further, W. D. McClellan, 'Marxist or Populist? The Russian section of
the First International', Etudes de Marxologie, No. 8 (Paris, 1964).
138. Marx to Engels, MEW XXXII 466.
139. On the London Conference there is a wealth of detail and interpretation in
M. Molnar, 'Die Londoner Konferenz der Internationale in 1871', Archiv
fiir Sozialgeschichte (1964).

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