Karl Marx: A Biography

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comfort. There had been a small haemorrhage and a sudden deterior-
ation had set in. Our good old Lenchen who cared for him as no
mother ever did for her child, went up and then came down again: he
was half-asleep, would I come with her? When we entered, he sat there
sleeping, but never to wake any more. In two minutes he had quiedy
and painlessly passed away.'^47

Epitomising his contempt for bourgeois society and his international-
ism, Marx died both intestate and stateless. His papers were sifted by
his daughters and Engels, before being divided between the German
Social-Democrats and the Moscow Communists. Marx was buried in
Highgate Cemetery on 17 March 1883. His ill-kept grave remained in a
far corner of the cemetery until 1956 when a large marble block sur-
mounted by a cast-iron head was erected.


1. Cf. J. Verdes, 'Marx vu par la police fran5aise (1871-1883)', Cahiers de 1'ISEA
(August, 1966 ) p. 110.
2. Marx to D. Nieuwenhuis, MEW xxxv 160. This was not always Marx's view:
when the English socialist leader Hyndman remarked to him that he grew
more tolerant as he grew older, Marx replied with a surprised: 'Do you? Do
3. Cf. K. Kautsky, 'Hours with Karl Marx', The Modern Thinker (1933) p. 107.
4. Jenny Marx to Liebknecht, MEW xxxm 702.
5. Cf., for example, MEW xxxv 11 , 31 , 81 , 98.
6. Cf. Engels-Lafargue Correspondence, 1 , where almost every letter of this period
is a begging one.
7. F. Harrison, Autobiographic Memoirs (London, 1911 ) 11 33 f.
8. Jenny Marx to Liebknecht, MEW XXXIII 703.
9. Jenny Marx to Kugelmann, in Andreas, Briefe, pp. 286 , 291.
10. Cf. W. Liebknecht, in Reminiscences of Marx and Engels, p. 116.
11. Eleanor has been well served by biographers. See C. Tzuzuki, The Life of
Eleanor Marx (Oxford, 1967); Y. Kapp, Eleanor Marx, 1. The latter is full
of well-researched information about the Marx family in general.
12. On Lissagaray, see Preface to Histoire de la Commune de 1871 (Paris, 1929).
13. Eleanor Marx to Jenny Marx, Bottigelli Collection, quoted in Tzuzuki, op.
cit., p. 32.
14. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxm 84.
15. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxm 75.
16. Cf. Engels to Marx, MEW xxxm 78.
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