Karl Marx: A Biography

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  1. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, the first woman in England to qualify as a

  2. Eleanor Marx to Marx, Bottigelli Collection, quoted in Tzuzuki, op. cit.,
    P- 35 -

  3. Cf. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxm no.

  4. Cf. F. Kugelmann, in Remininscences, p. 285.

  5. Eleanor Marx to Olive Schreiner, quoted in Havelock Ellis, 'Eleanor Marx',
    Adelphi (September 1935 ) pp. 348 ff.

  6. H. M. Hyndman, Further Reminiscences (London, 1912 ) p. 139.

  7. Quoted in L. Dornemann, Jenny Marx, p. 300.

  8. The Nineteenth Century and After (January 1922), quoted in Y. Kapp, Eleanor
    Marx, p. 193.

  9. Engels to Marx, MEW xxxv 5.

  10. Jenny Marx to Mrs Kugelmann, MEW xxxm 695.

  11. Quoted in A Uroyeva, For all Time and Men (Moscow, 1967). This book
    contains much detail about the publishing history of Capital.

  12. Marx to Danielson, MEW XXXIII 311.

  13. Marx to Lachatre MEW xxxiv 434.

  14. A. Philips to Marx, W. Blumenberg, 'Ein unbekanntes Kapitel aus Marx'
    Leben', International Review of Social History, 1 (1956) p. in.

  15. Marx to Mathilda Betham-Edwards, MEW xxxiv 146.

  16. Oeuvres, ed. M. Rubel, 1 546.

  17. Engels to Kugelmann, MEW xxxiv 217.

  18. Marx to Danielson, MEW xxxiv 358.

  19. Marx to Danielson, MESC p. 315.

  20. Ibid., p. 317.

  21. F. Engels, Preface to Capital (Chicago, 1909 ) 11 10.

  22. Ibid., 11.

  23. Flngels to Bebel, MEW xxxvi 56.

  24. On the circumstances giving rise to Dtihring's criticism of Marx, see pp.
    399 ff. above.

  25. Marx to Engels, MEW xxx 131.

  26. Marx to Lassalle, MEW xxx 578.

  27. Marx to Engels, MESC, pp. 156 ff.

  28. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxi 248.

  29. Marx to Kugelmann, MEW XXXII 685 f.

  30. See S. Avineri, 'From Hoax to Dogma: A footnote on Marx and Darwin',
    Encounter (March 1967). See also the exhaustive article by E. Lucas, 'Marx'
    and Engels' Auseinandersetzung mit Darwin', International Review of Social
    History (1964).

  31. Cf. F. Engels, 'Speech at the Graveside of Karl Marx', MESW 1 153 ff.

  32. See further, E. Lucas, 'Die Rezeption Lewis H. Morgans durch Marx und

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