Karl Marx: A Biography

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Engels', Saeculum (1964) and the excellent edition by L. Krader, The Ethno-
logical Notebooks of Karl Marx (Assen, 1972).
49. Cf. Engels to Kugelmann, MEW XXXIII 218 f.
50. Marx to Engels, ME W XXXIII 96.
51. Marx to Sorge, MEW XXXIII 634.
52. Marx to Engels, MEW XXXII 355.
53. Ibid., XXXIII 112.
54. Public Record Office, quoted in R. Payne, Karl Marx, p. 460.
55. E. Kisch, Karl Marx in Karlsbad (Berlin, 1953 ) p. 20.
56. F. Kugelmann, in Reminiscences of Marx and Engels, p. 286.
57. Eleanor Marx, in Reminiscences, p. 126.
58. Marx to Engels, MEW XXXIII 113.
59. Ibid., 117.
60. Eleanor Marx to Jenny Longuet, Bottigelli Collection, quoted in Tzuzuki,
op. cit., p. 37.
61. F. Kugelmann, in Reminiscences, p. 286.
62. Possibly Karl Liebknecht, Marx's godson, who played a leading role in the
abortive German revolution of 1919.
63. W. Bios, Denkwiirdigkeiten eines Sozial-demokraten (Munich, 1914 ) 1 163 f.
64. Engels to Bracke, MEW xxxiv 157.
65. Marx to Sorge, MEW xxxiii 635.
66. Cf. F. Mehring, Karl Marx, pp. 507 ff.
67. Cf. Engels to Bebel, MEW xxxiv 125 ff.
68. Marx to Bracke, MEW xxxiv 137.
69. K. Marx, 'Critique of the Gotha Programme', MESW 11 25.
70. K. Marx, MESW 11 19.
71. Ibid., 22 f.
72. Ibid., 23.
73. Ibid.
74. Ibid., 24.
75. Ibid., 25.
76. Ibid., 27.
77. Ibid., 30.
78. A. Bebel, Aus Meinem Leben (Stuttgart, 1910 ) 11 138.
79. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxiv 48.
80. Marx to Sorge, MESC p. 309.
81. Marx to Bracke, MEW xxxiv 305.
82. Marx to Sorge, MESC pp. 309 ff.
83. Quoted in R. Adamiak, 'Marx, Engels and Dtihring', Journal of the History of
Ideas (1973). This is an admirably researched article on the background to
the whole controversy.
84. Cf. M. Kovalevsky, in Reminiscences of Marx and Engels, p. 299.

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