Karl Marx: A Biography

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  1. Marx to Sorge, MEW xxxiv 413.

  2. Marx and Engels to Bebel, etc., MESC, p. 325.

  3. Ibid., p. 327.

  4. Marx to Sorge, MEW xxxiv 422.

  5. See Engels-Bebel, Briefwechsel, ed. W. Blumenberg, p. xvii.

  6. Marx to Engels, MEW xxv 31.

  7. Marx to Jenny Longuet, MEW xxxv 178.

  8. Marx to W. Freund, MEW xxxiv 245.

  9. Jenny Marx to Sorge, MEW xxxiv 525.

  10. Marx to Liebknecht, MEW xxiv 317.

  11. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxiv 48.

  12. Marx to Sorge, MEW xxxiv 296.

  13. Marx to Liebknecht, MEW xxxiv 318.

  14. On the concept of Populism, see R. Pipes, 'Narodnichestvo: A Semantic
    Inquiry', Slavic Review (September 1964). The fundamental work on Russian
    populism in F. Venturi, Roots of Revolution (London, i960).

  15. K. Marx, Oeuvres, 11 (Paris, 1968 ) p. 1554.

  16. K. Marx, 'Marginal Notes on Bakunin's Statism and Anarchy, MEW xvm

  17. roi. Marx to Jenny Longuet, MEW xxxv 179. There had been a serious earth-
    quake in this region of Greece the previous week.
    !02. Marx to Sorge, MEW xxxiv 477.

  18. V. Sassoulitch to Marx, in K. Marx, Oeuvres, 11 1556 f.

  19. K. Marx, Oeuvres 11 1558.

  20. K. Marx, op. cit., 11 1573.

  21. K. Marx, MESW 1 24.

  22. See, in general, A. Walicki, The Controversy over Capitalism (Oxford, 1969).

  23. Marx to Sorge, MEW xxxiv 476.

  24. Ibid.

  25. The questionnaire is reprinted in K. Marx, Oeuvres, 1 1527 ff. See also H.
    Weiss, 'Die Enquete Ouvriere von Karl Marx', Zeitschrift fiir Sozialforschung
    (1936); M. Rubel, Karl Marx, Essai de biographie lntellectuelle (Paris, 1957 ) pp.
    416 ff.

  26. K. Marx, Oeuvres, 1 1527.

  27. See in general, G. Lefranc, Le Mouvement Socialiste sous la Troisibne Republique
    (Paris, 1963 ) pp. 33 ff.

  28. Engels to Bernstein, MEW xxxv 388. Cf. a similar remark retailed by
    Liebknecht, quoted in K. Marx, Dokumente seines Lebens, p. 363.

  29. Marx to Engels, ME W xxxv 110 , see further, M. Dommanget, L'Introduction
    du Marxisme en France (Lausanne, 1969).
    11 S • Marx to Engels, MEW xxxiv 39.

  30. Cf. Ibid.

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