Karl Marx: A Biography

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Select Critical Bibliography


K. Marx, Selected Essays, ed. H. Stenning (London and New York, 1926 , reprinted
1968). Abbreviation: Stenning. A collection of seven essays from the early
Marx, most of them minor.
K. Marx, E Engels, Selected Works (Moscow, 1935 , several reprints). Abbreviation:
MESW. The 'classical' anthology. None of the early writings are included
and less than half the material is by Marx. Nevertheless it provides com-
plete and faithful translations of many of Marx's works.
K. Marx, Capital, The Communist Manifesto and Other Writings, ed. M. Eastman
(New York, 1932). Concentrates on Capital to the complete exclusion of
early writings.
K. Marx, F. Engels, Basic Writings on Politics and Philosophy, ed. L. Feuer (New York,
1959). Concentrates on Marx's historical writings, with a useful selection of
letters and essays at the end.
K. Marx, Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy, ed. T. Bottomore and
M. Rubel (London, 1956). In many ways the best anthology, drawing on
all Marx's writings whether available in English or not.
K. Marx, Early Writings, ed. T. Bottomore (London, 1963). Abbreviation:
Bottomore. Contains the essays in the Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher and
the complete text of the 'Paris Manuscripts'.
Writings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and Society, ed. L. Easton and K. Guddat
(New York, 1967). Abbreviation: EG. A comprehensive collection of Marx's
writings from 1841 to 1847. Contains extracts from The Holy Family and
The German Ideology.
The Essential Writings of Karl Marx, ed. D. Caute (London and New York, 1967).
Small excerpts with emphasis on the philosophical and revolutionary aspects
of Marx.
Marxist Social Thought, ed. R. Freedman (New York, t968). Fairly comprehensive
on the sociological aspects of Marx's later works. Litde reference to eco-
nomics or to Marx's early writings.

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