Karl Marx: A Biography

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K. Marx, The Early Texts, ed. D. McLellan (Oxford, 1971). Abbreviation: ET. A
comprehensive selection of writings up to and including 1844 , with letters.
The Portable Marx, ed. E. Kamenka (New York, 1971). A selection containing
longer extracts and some newly translated material.
Karl Marx on Economy, Class and Social Revolution, ed. Z. Jordan (London, 1971).
A comprehensive collection, aimed at the sociologist.
Marx-Engels Reader, ed. R. Tucker (New York, 1971). A more balanced, but shorter,
version of the Moscow edition above.
K. Marx, The Essential Writings, ed. R. Bender (New York, t972). A large collection,
well put together, with due emphasis on the economic writings.
K. Marx, Selected Writings, ed. D. McLellan (Oxford, 1977). A comprehensive
selection from the whole range of Marx's work.
Karl Marx: A Reader, ed. J. Elster (Cambridge, 1986). A useful, shortish collection.
Karl Marx: Early Political Writings, ed. J. O'Malley (Cambridge, 1994 ) Excellent
new translations of works up to, and including, Poverty of Philosophy.
There are also collections of texts, mosdy newspaper articles, on the following
specific themes:
On Britain (London, 1953).
On Ireland (London, 1970).
Marx on China (London, 1968).
First Indian War of Independence (Moscow, i960).
Revolution in Spain (London, ^39).
On Colonialism (Moscow, i960).
Karl Marx on Colonialism and Modernization, ed. S. Avineri (New York, 1968).
On Malthus (London, 1953).
On Literature and Art (Bombay, 1956).
On Religion (Moscow, 1957).
On Revolution, ed. S. Padover (New York, t97i).
Penguin have brought out an eight-volume selection from Marx's works, includ-
ing the whole of Capital and the Grundrisse. They have substantial introductions
and the new translations are very good. The translation of the Collected Works of
Marx and Engels to comprise fifty-one volumes, published by Lawrence and Wish-
art, began appearing in 1975 and is well on its way to completion. The translation
is reliable, if at times a litde awkward, and it is accompanied by a wealth of minor

K. Marx, F. Engels, Selected Correspondence (London, 1934). Abbreviation: MESC.
K. Marx, Letters to Kugelmann (London, 1934).
K. Marx, F. Engels, Letters to Americans (New York, 1963).
k. Marx, On the Eastern Question (London, 1899 )
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