Karl Marx: A Biography

(coco) #1

N.B. All the works below either have appeared or will appear in the Collected
Works. The list below is intended as a check-list for reference and to indicate
alternative translations.

1. School Leaving Essays. Partial translation in EG.
2. Letter to his Father. EG, ET.
3. Doctoral Thesis. The thesis itself is translated in N. Livergood, Activity in
Marx's Philosophy (The Hague, 1967). Appendices partially translated in EG,
4. Poems 1836-1841. Partially translated in R. Payne (ed.), The Unknown Marx
(London, 1972).
5. Articles for Rheinische Zeitung. Selections in EG, ET.
6. Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Translated and edited by J. O'Malley
(Cambridge, 1970).
7. A Correspondence of 1843. EG, ET.
8. On the Jewish Question. Bottomore, EG, EX; A World without Jews, ed D.
Runes (New York, 1959).
9. Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right: Introduction. Bottomore, EG, ET.
ro. 1844 Manuscripts. Complete translation in Bottomore; also by M. Milligan
(Moscow, 1959). Large selections in EG, ET.
11. Critical Notes on The King of Prussia and Social Reform'. EG, ET.
12. The Holy Family (Moscow, 1956).
13. Theses on Feuerbach. Appendix to The German Ideology (Moscow, 1968).
14. The German Ideology (Moscow, 1968). Selections in an edition, with introduc-
tion, by C. Arthur (London, 1970).

  1. Circular against Kriege. MEW iv.

  2. Letter to Annenkov. Appendix to The Poverty of Philosophy (Moscow, 1956).

  3. The Poverty of Philosophy (Moscow, 1956).

  4. Karl Grim: The Social Movement in France and Belgium. MEW HI.

  5. The Communism of the lRheinischer Beobachter'. MEW v.

  6. Moralising Criticism and Criticising Moralism. Stenning.

  7. Speech on Free Trade (Boston, 1888).

  8. The Communist Manifesto. MESW 1 ; also separate editions by D. Ryazanow
    (London, 1936); H. Laslri (London, 1948); A. Taylor (Harmondsworth,
    1967). The Communist Manifesto (McLellan, 1993).

  9. Demands of the Communist Party in Germany. The Birth of his Communist League,
    ed. D. Struik (New York, 1971).

  10. Articles for Neue Rheinische Zeitung. MEW v and vi.

  11. Wage-Labour and Capital. MESW 1.

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