Karl Marx: A Biography

(coco) #1

26. Addresses of the Central Committee to the Communist League. March Address:
MESW 1 ; June Address: MEW VII.
27. Articles for Neue Rheinische Zeitung-Revue. MEW VII.
28. The Class Struggles in France. MESW 1.
29. Articles for New York Herald Tribune. Selections in: H. Christman (ed.), The
American Journalism of Marx and Engels (New York, 1966); Marx on India,
ed. R. Dutt (London, 1934); Revolution in Spain (London, 1939); Marx on
China (London, 1968); The Eastern Question, ed. E. and E. Aveling (London,
1897). Also the collections on Britain, Ireland and Colonialism above.
Complete edition, ed. Ferguson and O'Neil (New York, 1973).
30. The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. MESW 1.
} 1. The Great Men of Exile. The Cologne Communist Trial, ed. R. Livingstone
(London, 1970).
32. Ibid.

  1. Palmerston and Russia, ed. L. Hutchinson (London, 1970).
    54. The Knight of the Noble Conscience. The Cologne Communist Trial, ed. R. Living-
    stone (London, 1970).

  2. Palmerston and Russia, ed. L. Hutchinson (London, 1970).

  3. Articles for Neue Oder Zeitung. MEW xi.
    57. Secret Diplomatic History of the Eighteenth Century, ed. L. Hutchinson (London,

  4. Articles for The Peoples Paper and The Free Press. MEW XII.

  5. General Introduction to Grundrisse. Appendix to A Contribution to the Critique of
    Political Economy, trans. I. Stone (Chicago, 1904); Marx's Grundrisse, ed.
    D. McLellan (London, 1971).

  6. Grundrisse. Selection in Marx's Grundrisse, ed. D. McLellan (London, 1971);
    Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations, ed. E. Hobsbawm (London, 1964). Full
    translation (London and New York, 1973).

  7. Articles for New American Cyclopaedia. MEW xiv.

  8. Preface to A Critique of Political Economy. MESW 1.

  9. A Critique of Political Economy. Translated by I. Stone (Chicago, 1904); re-
    issued with an Introduction by M. Dobb (London, 1970).

  10. Articles for Das Volk. MEW xm.

  11. Herr Vogt. MEW xiv.

  12. Articles for Die Presse. MEW xv.

  13. Theories of Surplus Value, 3 vols (Moscow, 1968 ; London, 1969).

  14. Manuscripts on the Polish Question (The Hague, 1963). No English translation.

  15. Inaugural Address and Rules for First International. MESW 1.

  16. Capital, Vol. 3. Translated by E. Untermann (Chicago, 1909); Moscow, 1972.

  17. Value, Price and Profit. MESW 1.

  18. On Proudhon. MESW 1.

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