Karl Marx: A Biography

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53. Results of the Immediate Process of Production. German in Archiv Marksa i Engelsa
(Moscow, 1934).
54. Capital, Vol. 1. Translated by S. Moore and E. Aveling (London, 1887); E.
Untermann (Chicago, 1906); E. and C. Paul (London, 1928); Moscow,
1968. Capital, Vol. 1 : Abridged editions by C. Arthur (London, 1992 ) and
D. McLellan (Oxford, 1995).
55. Capital, Vol. 2. E. Untermann (Chicago, 1907); Moscow, 1971.
56. Two Addresses on the Franco-Prussian War. MESW 1.
57. On the Civil War in France. MESW 1 ; ed. C. Hitchens (London, 1971); The
Drafts are also contained in K. Marx and F. Engels, On the Paris Commune
(Moscow, 1971); Writings of Marx and Engels on the Paris Commune, ed. H.
Draper (New York, 1971).
58. The Alleged Splits in the International, ed. Freymond (Geneva, 1962).
59. Preface to Second German edition of Communist Manifesto. MES W 1 and other
60. Speech at Amsterdam, 1872. MEW XVIII.
61. Afterword to Semid German edition of Capital. See editions of Capital above.
62. Remarks on Bakunin's Statism and Anarchy. H. Mayer, 'Marx on Bakunin: A
neglected text', Cahiers de 1'ISEA. 1959.
63. Critique of the Gotha Programme. MESW 11.
64. French edition of Capital, Vol. 1. Oeuvres, ed. M. Rubel, 11 (Paris, 1968).
65. Letter to Mikhailovsky. Basic Writings on Politics and Philosophy, ed. L. Feuer
(New York, 1959).
66. Circular Letter. MESC.
67. A Workers' Enquiry. C.P.G.B. (London, 1933).
68. Introduction to French Workers' Programme. Oeuvres (Paris, 1963 ) 1.
69. Letter to Vera Sassoulitch (and preliminary drafts). Selections in Marx and Engels,
The Russian Menace to Europe, ed. P. Blackstock and B. Hoselitz (London,
70. Notes on Wagner's Textbook of Political Economy. MEW xix. Texts on Method, ed.
T. Carver (Oxford, 1924).
71. Preface to Second Russian edition of Communist Manifesto. MESW 1 and other


H. B. Acton, The Illusion of the Epoch (London, 1955). A critique of Marxism-
Leninism as a philosophical creed.
H. B. Acton, What Marx Really Said (London, 1967). A short critical exposition,
concentrating on Marx's ideas of historical materialism.
H. P. Adams, Karl Marx in His Early Writings, 2nd ed. (London, 1965). The first
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