Karl Marx: A Biography

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examination in English of Marx's early writings up to, and including, The
Holy Family. Slighdy dated.
L. Althusser, For Marx (London, 1970). A controversial interpretation of Marx
using structuralist and Freudian concepts. Supports the idea of a radical
break between the young and the old Marx.
L. Althusser, Reading Capital (London, 1971). An attempt to analyse Capital in a
scientific manner and give an account of the philosophy underlying it.
W. Ash, Marxism and Moral Concepts (New York, 1964). A good introduction to
the question.
S. Avineri, The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx (Cambridge, 1968). An
important and interesting book which emphasises the continuity of Marx's
thought from its earliest formulations and the influence of Hegel.
J. Barzun, Darwin, Marx and Wagner (Boston, 1946). Good in placing Marx in an
intellectual tradition.
M. Beer, The Life and Teaching of Karl Marx (London and Manchester, 1921). A
small book; necessarily dated.
R. Berki, Insight and Vision. The Problem of Communism in Marx's Thought (London,
1983). An original and penetrating discussion of Marx's ideas about com-
munist society.
I. Berlin, Karl Marx. His Life and Environment (Oxford, 1939). A very readable
short biography.
S. F. Bloom, The World of Nations. A Study of the National Implications in the Work
of Marx (New York, 1941). An exposition of Marx's views on the position of
nation states in the development of communism.
W. Blumenberg, Karl Marx (London, 1971). An excellent short biography mainly
using Marx's own words with a varied selection of photographs.
M. M. Bober, Karl Marx's Interpretation of History, 2nd ed. (New York, 1965 ;
original ed., 1927). The oldest and fullest discussion of historical materialism
in English.
L. V. Bohm-Bawerk, Karl Marx and the Close of his System (London, 1890). The
'classical' critique of Marx's Capital.
T. Bottomore (ed.), Karl Marx (New York, 1971). A collection of commentaries
on Marx, with an introduction, in the 'Makers of Modern Social Science'
T. Bottomore, The Sociological Theory of Marxism (London, 1973). Contains an
analysis of Marx's theories on classes, the state, revolution, and so on.
L. B. Boudin, The Theoretical System of Karl Marx in the Light of Recent Criticism
(Chicago 1907 ; reprinted New York, 1967). A defence of Marx's materialist
conception of history and economic doctrine in face of the criticisms of
G. Brenkert, Marx's Ethics of Freedom (London, 1983). The fullest discussion of
the ethics implicit in Marx's work.

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