Karl Marx: A Biography

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J. M. Gillman, The Falling Rate of Profit. Marx's Law and Its Significance to zoth
Century Capitalism (London, 1958). An examination of the limitations of
Marx's law when applied to monopoly capitalism.
G. Girardi, Marxism and Christianity (Dublin, 1968). An examination of the possi-
bilities of dialogue between Marxism and Christianity.
M. Godelier, Rationality and Irrationality in Economics (London, 1972). Examines
the basic structures of Marx's economic views.
K. Graham, Karl Marx, Our Contemporary (Hemel Hempstead, 1992). An excellent
short analytic discussion of Marx's main ideas and their contemporary
A. J. Gregor, A Survey of Marxism (New York, 1965). The first few chapters
discuss the philosophical aspects of Marx.
S. Hook, Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx (New York, 1933). Still a good
introduction to the more systematic parts of Marx's thought.
S. Hook, From Hegel to Marx, 2nd ed. (Ann Arbor, 1962). A study of the relation-
ships of Hegel and Marx and the young Hegelians.
D. Horowitz (ed.), Marx and Modern Economics (London, 1968). Contains essays
examining the relevance today of particularly the more abstract of Marx's
economic theories.
D. Howard, The Development of the Marxian Dialectic (Chicago, 1972). A reliable
treatment of Marx's early thought.
R. Hunt, The Political Ideas of Marx and Engels, Vol. 1 (London and Pittsburgh,
1975). A most detailed examination of Marx's activities during 1848.
J. Hyppolite, Studies on Marx and Hegel (London, 1969). Contains profound assess-
ments of Marx's critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right and of Capital.
J. Hampden Jackson, Marx, Proudhon and European Socialism (New York, 1962). A
reliable short account of the relations between the two men.
R. Hunt, The Political Ideas of Marx and Engels, 2 vols (London, 1974 and 1983). A
thorough examination defending Marx against the charge of totalitarianism.
B. Jessop, ed., Karl Marx's Social and Political Thought: Critical Assessments, 4 vols.
(London, 1990). A large collection of previously published articles assessing
Z. Jordan, The Evolution of Dialectical Materialism (London, 1967). The early
chapters contain a good account of naturalism and materialism in Marx.
H. W. B. Joseph, The Labour Theory of Value in Karl Marx (London, 1923). A
careful criticism by an Oxford philosopher.
P. Kain, Marx and Modern Political Theory (Lanham, 1993). Compares Marx to
earlier theorists, to pluralism, and to feminism.
E. Kamenka, The Ethical Foundation of Marxism, 2nd ed. (London, ^72). A descrip-
tion and critique of Marx's ethics from an analytical philosophical position.
E. Kamenka, Marxist Ethics (London, 1969). A brief analysis of the Marxian ethical

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