Karl Marx: A Biography

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J. Maguire, Marx's Paris Writings (Dublin, 1972). A well-informed and thorough
commentary on the writings of 1844.
J. Maguire, Marx's Theory of Politics (Cambridge, 1978). Combines history and
analysis in a most satisfying way.
E. Mandel, The Formation of Marx's Economic Thought (London, 1971). An excellent
analysis of the development of Marx's economic thought up to and including
the Grundrisse.
H. Marcuse, Reason and Revolution (London, 1941). Contains an account of Marx's
notion of labour.
B. Mazlish, The Meaning of Karl Marx (New York, 1984). A short introduction -
idiosyncratic and stimulating. Concentrates on Marx's early writings to read
him as a revolutionary millenarian.
D. McLellan, The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx (London, 1969). An examination
of the social and political thought of the Young Hegelians and its influence
on the genesis of Marx's thought.
D. McLellan, Marx Before Marxism (London and New York, 1970). A detailed
description of the development of Marx's thought up to and including the
1X44 Manuscripts.
D. McLellan, The Thought of Karl Marx (London and New York, 1971). A chrono-
logical and thematic introduction to Marx's thought.
D. McLellan, Karl Marx: Interviews and Recollections (London, 1981). A collection
of personal reminiscences of Marx.
R. L. Meek, Studies in the Labour Theory of Value (London, 1956). Best treatment
in English of this subject.
F. Mehring, Karl Marx (London, 1936). The classical biography of Marx; some-
what out of date and slighdy hagiographical.
A. G. Meyer, Marxism: The Unity of Theory and Practice. A Critical Essay
(Cambridge, Mass., 1954). Presents a functional interpretation of Marx's
D. Mitrany, Marx against the Peasant (London, 1951). An attack on the views of
Marx and his followers on the peasants.
A. C. Maclntyre, Marxism: an Interpretation (London, 1953). A short and sharp
philosophical assessment of Marx.
S. Moore, From Marx to Markets (Philadelphia, 1993). Claims to show that Marx's
materialist conception of history should have led him to an espousal of
M. Morishima, Marx's Economics (Cambridge, 1973). A complex examination of
Marx's theoretical economics.
B. Nicolaievski and O. Maenchen-Helfen, Karl Marx, Man and Fighter (London,
1933 ; 3rd ed. 1973). An excellent biography emphasising Marx's political
A. Oakley, Marx's Critique of Political Economy: Intellectual Sources and Evolution, 2

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