Karl Marx: A Biography

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vols. (London, 1985). The most thorough discussion of the evolution of
Marx's economic writings.
B. Oilman, Alienation: Marx's Critique of Man in Capitalist Society (Cambridge,
1971). An original and well-documented study of alienation in Marx, paying
close attention to the way Marx uses his concepts.
li. Oilman, Dialectical Investigations (New York, 1993). A good introduction to
Marx's dialectic with an application to seven case studies.
S. Padover, Karl Marx, An Intimate Biography (New York, 1978). Hostile to Marx's
ideas, but good on the area suggested by the tide.
F. Pappenheim, The Alienation of Modern Man (New York, 1959). Puts Marx's
concept of alienation in a modern context.
I'. van Parijs, Marxism Recycled (Cambridge, 1993). A sharp collection of essays in
the analytical mode.
R. Payne, Marx, A Biography (London, 1968). A lot of information on Marx's
private life, though the author's understanding of Marx's ideas is extremely
R. Peffer, Marxism, Morality and Social Justice (Princeton, r99o). An excellent,
thorough, analytical discussion.
G. Petrovic, Marx in the Mid-Twentieth Century (Garden City, 1967). Emphasises
the humanist relevance of Marx today.
J. Plamenatz, German Marxism and Russian Communism (London, 1954). Contains
one of the classical discussions of historical materialism as oudined in Marx's
J. Plamenatz, Man and Society, Vol. 2 (London, 1963). A clear, critical analysis of
the main social and political themes in Marx.
J. Plamenatz, Karl Marx's Philosophy of Man (Oxford, 1975). A long, careful analyt-
ical discussion.
K. R. Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies Vol. 2 (London, 1952). An attack
on Marx as a totalitarian thinker.
M. Postone, Time, Labor, and Social Domination: A Reintepretation of Marx's Critical
Theory (New York, 1993). A splendid reconstruction of Marx's social theory,
based upon the Grundrisse.
S. Prawer, Karl Marx and World Literature (Oxford, 1978). A marvellous book
researching the origin of Marx's metaphors, quotations, literary allusions,
E Raddatz, Karl Marx, A Political Biography (London, 1978). A good, racy read,
but not much on Marx as a thinker.
Joan Robinson, An Essay in Marxian Economics (London, 1942). An impressive
attempt to revitalise Marx's main economic doctrines.
R. Rosdolsky, The Making of Marx's 'Capital' (London, 1977). An intensive, pio-
neering study of the place of the Grundrisse in Marx's intellectual devel-

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