Karl Marx: A Biography

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C. L. Rossiter, Marxism: The View from America (New York, i960). Contrasts
Marx's ideas - often more or less equated with those of his disciples - with
the American way of life.
N. Rothenstreich, Basic Problems of Marx's Philosophy (New York, 1965). A philo-
sophical commentary on Marx's Theses on Feuerbach.
M. Rubel and M. Manale, Marx without Myth (Oxford, 1975). A detailed chron-
ology of Marx's life and work.
D. Ryazanov, Karl Marx, Man, Thinker and Revolutionist (New York, 1927). A well-
informed series of lectures on Marx's life.
G. Sabine, Marxism (New York, 1958). A rather over-schematised short discussion.
F. Salter, Karl Marx and Modern Socialism (London, 1921). Describes Marx's ideas
and their influence on the growth of labour movements.
J. Sanderson, An Interpretation of the Political Ideas of Marx and Engels (London,
1969). A short book which seeks to put together the main texts of Marx and
Engels on historical materialism, the state, revolution and future communist
R. Schlesinger, Marx, His Time and Ours (London, 1950). An important book
investigating the continued relevance of Marx's ideas for the twentieth
A. Schmidt, The Concept of Nature in Marx (London, 1971). An important and
well-documented consideration of the importance of Marx's materialism.
L. Schwartzchild, Karl Marx: The Red Prussian (New York, 1948). A strongly
critical biography.
D. Schweickart, Against Capitalism (Cambridge, 1993). Advocates a market social-
ism with decentralised investment planning and workplace democracy,
loosely based on Marx.
J. Seigel, Marx's Fate: The Shape of a Life (Princeton, 1978). A very interesting
attempt to marry a psycho-analytical approach with a scholarly discussion
of the development of Marx's ideas.
T. Shanin (ed.), Late Marx and the Russian Road (New York, 1983). Offers a re-
evaluation of Marx's studies of Russia and the implications for his thought
as a whole.
P. Sloan, Marx and the Orthodox Economists (Oxford, 1973). A defence of Marx
against subsequent economic thinking.
J. Spargo, Karl Marx, His Life and Works (New York, 1910). The first biography
of Marx in English.
C. J. S. Sprigge, Karl Marx (London, 1938 ; New York, 1962). A short biography.
Elena A. Stepanova, Karl Marx (Moscow, 1962). A short piece of pure hagiography.
W. Suchting, Marx: An Introduction (London, 1983). A thorough introduction
concentrating on historical materialism and Capital.
P. M. Sweeney, The Theory of Capitalist Development (New York, 1942). The best
modern continuation of Marx's economic ideas.

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