Karl Marx: A Biography

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P. Thomas, Karl Marx and the Anarchists (London, 1980). A full account of Marx's
relations with anarchists and anarchist thought.
R. Tucker, Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx (Cambridge, 1961). A highly original

  • though in places also highly dubious - interpretation of Marx's thought
    as a continuity based on certain eschatological assumptions.
    R. Tucker, The Marxian Revolutionary Idea (London, 1970). A series of essays
    dealing with the state and revolution in Marx.
    D. Turner, On the Philosophy of Marx (Dublin, 1968). A slight book, written mainly
    for philosophers.
    V Venables. Human Nature, the Marxian View (New York, 1945). One of the best
    statements of the Marxist view of man.
    A. Walker, Marx: His Theory and Its Context (Rivers Oram, 1990). Places Marx's
    politics and economics in their intellectual and historical context.
    P. Walton and S. Hall, eds., Situating Marx (London, 1972). A series of essays
    centring on Marx's Grundrisse.
    E. Wilson, To the Finland Station (London, 1940 ; latest ed. 1970). A very readable
    (though occasionally inaccurate) account of the ideas of Marx as well as
    those of his predecessors and successors.
    B. Wolfe, Marxism: 100 years in the Life of a Doctrine (London, 1967). A study of
    the evolution of Marxist doctrines with sections on Marx's political ideas in
    1848 and 1871.
    M. Wolfson, Karl Marx (New York, 1971). A short critique of Marx's main
    economic doctrines.
    A. Wood, Karl Marx (London, 1981). An excellent discussion of the philosophical
    issues contained in Marx's work.
    D. Wright, The Trouble with Marx (New Rochelle, 1967). A 'no holds barred'
    attack on Marx's ideas of history and economics.
    C. Wright Mills, The Marxists (New York, 1962). Contains an acute account of
    Marx's sociological ideas.
    I. Zeidin, Marxism: A Re-examination (New York, 1967). A short and interesting
    book presenting in a favourable light the sociological elements in Marx's
    J. Zeleny, The Logic of Marx (Oxford, 1980). An original and stimulating account
    of the categories underlying Capital.

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