Karl Marx: A Biography

(coco) #1

Marx, Karl
marriage, 60
death, 412
1844 (Paris) Manuscripts, 91-110,
126 , 127 , 270 , 271 , 274 , 276 ,

(^277) > 3 "
Addresses to Communist League,
Alleged Splits in the International,
37 °
Capital, 92 , 93 , 110 , 148 , 210 , 258 ,
277 , 278 , 302-3, 304-6,
307-18, 336 , 340 , 346 , 349 ,
368 , 385-8, 389 , 393 , 402 ,
403 , 404 , 407 , 408 , 410
Civil War in France, 360- 6
Class Struggles in France, 216-21,
Communist Manifesto, 78 , 127 , 157 ,
158-66, 176-7, 182 , 212 , 224 ,
225 , 227 , 234 , 254 , 275 , 277-8,
294 , 336 , 360 , 404
Critique of Gotha Programme, 275 ,
395- 8
Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of
Right, 61 , 62-8, 75 , 78-106, 127
Critique of Political Economy, 61 ,
126-7, 129 , 130 , 137 , 254 ,
255 , 265-83, 296 , 311
Dissertation, 27-31, 81 , 128
Eighteenth Brumaire, 221-3,^2 3^>
German Ideology, 31 , 127-9,^1 3°_ 7 >
139 , 149 , 160
Grundrisse, no, 265-77, 279
Herr Vogt, 283- 7
Holy Family, 114-17, 127 , 130 ,
Inaugural Address, 335 , 336-7,
355- 6
Knight of the Noble Mind, 233
On the Jewish Question, 5 , 78 , 116 ,
I2 7
Poverty of Philosophy, 143 , 144-8,
201 , 248 , 341
Revelations concerning Cologne
Communist Trial, 228 , 232 , 233 ,
Revolution and Counter-Revolution
in Germany, 256
Seventeen Demands, 179 , 187 , 191
Theories of Surplus Value, 303- 4
Theses on Feuerhach, 127-8, 133
Wage labour and Capital, 294
Marx, Laura (daughter), 129 , 250 , 320 ,
321 , 322 , 366-7, 410 , 411
Marx, Louise (sister), 7 , 247
Marx, Moritz David (brother), 7
Max, Sophie (sister), 7 , 12 , 14 , 17 , 40
Maurer, G., 71 , 7H, Hrt
Maynz, K, 137
Ma/.zini, (>., 1 50 , 1 |o, 131 , 13J, 235 , 332 ,
335. 339. 34°. 343 ' 146. J4 7
Mehring, K, 17
Mcissner, (>., (7, 41 , 44
Meissner, ()., (09, ft
Metternieh, I'rinec, 17ft
Mevissen, (>., 17 , 41 , 44
Meycn, E, 4ft
Meyer, J., 1 (ft 7
Middle A^cn, 1 , ft.|, ftft, I) 1ly
Mikliutlovsky, N , 4111 |
Mill, Jaium, IJ 1 , <jH, 11 1
Mill, J. S JI9, (ft/, (04, 14ft, nft
Moll, J,, no, 151 t, 1/ft, 1/v, IH\, iHH,

  • V • • V7> <1 1
    Monroe, l)r, |ii
    MfintrM|tnrii, (. ftft
    Moore, < i., (Hi
    Morrlly, 117
    Morguu, I. , 1 'j' 1
    Morlry, | , | jft
    Most, | , |HH, |yH, |yu, |.»i
    Mussel, A ilr, yo, 1 1 |

Napoleon, I i«il«, 1 1 (, 1 1 / IN, ill,
HI I, I JO, |H|, «Mr., IN/, illH,
194. II'. 111. H». Hi. I-H. IIV
Napoleon IIOM«|IHII.. ft, Mil 111 111
NlltVlltllllH I iilv*, 4.. t
nature, j 1 , fti, /il, 1 "U
Nciiiwriiliiiln, I *. |fti |HM
Netthnyev, S , |ftM, (fty, 1 ••<
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