III: Foundation-Funded Racism: Jeremiah Wright and Michelle 101
The ranting sermons of Reverend Jeremiah Wright established beyond doubt that he is a
purveyor of racial hatred, and that this hatemongering was a constant, habitual, and structural
feature of his pulpit oratory. If Obama were as conciliatory and irenic as he claims to be, why does
he associate with such a person? Why not quit this church and find another one more consonant
with traditional Christianity? Instead, we find that Reverend Jeremiah Wright officiated at Obama’s
wedding, at the christenings of his two daughters, and that the title of Obama’s second book, The
Audacity of Hope, the book we have referred to as the postmodern Mein Kampf, is a direct citation
from one of Reverend Wright’s incendiary sermons.
In a spring 2007 television interview with Hannity, Reverend Wright stated that he is an
exponent of Black liberation theology, with special reference to the works of theologians like James
Cone and Dwight Hopkins. These writers, Reverend Wright argued, are the sources of the black
and Afrocentric Christianity which is taught in his church. James Cone is a professor at the Union
Theological Seminary, located near Columbia University in New York City. Union Theological
Seminary is for all practical purposes a factory for new and improved synthetic religions, structured
according to the needs of the oligarchical financier elite to manipulate, dominate, and control
various target populations.
Cone, the founder of black liberation theology, concocted a synthetic religion combining pork-
chop black nationalism, third-world pseudo-Marxism, and primitive Christianity. He describes his
own handiwork as “a theology which confronts white society as the racist anti-Christ.” In a war
against “white values,” black pastors, like Wright, must reject “white seminaries with their middle-
class white ideas about God, Christ and the church.” (Rich Lowry, “The Real Rev. Wright,”
realclearpolitics.com, April 29, 2008) “What I write is urged out of my blood,” writes Cone. A
religion of blood means a religion of blood consciousness and race, taking us back to National
Socialism. We are close to Fichte’s Volksgeist and Mazzini’s idea that the races are the real actors
of history. We are also close to Michelle Obama’s advice to her husband to be visceral, to feel and
not to think, which will be discussed below.
Cone gives up any notion of supernatural religion and makes religion derive from a contingent
historical experience when he writes: “To put it simply, Black Theology knows no authority more
binding than the experience of oppression itself. This alone must be the ultimate authority in
religious matters.” Whites are presented as “madmen sick with their own self-concept.” Cone lays
particular stress on his contention that Jesus Christ was black: “The ‘raceless’ American Christ has
a light skin, wavy brown hair, and sometimes - wonder of wonders - blue eyes. For whites to find
him with big lips and kinky hair is as offensive as it was for the Pharisees to find him partying with
tax-collectors. But whether whites want to hear it or not, Christ is black, baby, with all of the
features which are so detestable to white society.” (In Christianity, by contrast, God is a spirit, and
the issue of skin color does not arise.) In Cone’s theology, eternal salvation is equated with black
people rising up against their white oppressors. As a coherent gnostic, Cone re-interprets the notions
of eternity and paradise as rewards that can and should be obtained in this world.
Cone went much further, attempting to transform Christ from the universal living God to a kind
of totemic or animistic tribal god suitable to lead a raiding party in a race war: