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(Nandana) #1
IV. Apprenticeship with Foundation-Funded Terrorists: Ayers and Dohrn 145

in the Amerindian nationalist movement helps to splinter it. For Churchill, the test of indigenist
orthodoxy is simple: you pass it if – but only for so long as – you promote Churchill’s career. Is
Churchill, as many suspect, a police agent? Nobody’s said it better than Churchill himself:
“You don’t have to be a cop to do a cop’s work.” Indian identity, in Churchill’s windy words,
“is determined by cultural/intellectual/political attributes,” but he is careful not to identify what
these attributes are, for if he did, it would be obvious that he doesn’t possess them.’^40
We have seen the race-based divide-and-conquer policies of the foundations at work against the
black and Hispanic communities; Ward Churchill’s operations remind us that similar policies have
been used against the American Indian or Native American parts of the population as well.

Back in 1969, Ward Churchill worked together with Weatherman leader Bernardine Dohrn at the
Chicago SDS National Office: ‘“I had my little medals, I went back to my tractor factory” - and
started hanging out in Chicago at the national office of the leftist Students for a Democratic Society,
where he ran into Bernardine Dohrn, an attractive leader of the Weather Underground, a radical
group that favored the bombings of buildings and confrontations with police in their fight against
racism, the Vietnam War and the ruling class. But the Weather Underground knew more about
Marxism than about bombs. Churchill briefly taught the Weathermen and Weatherwomen how to
make bombs and how to fire weapons - “which end does the bullet go, what are the ingredients,
how do you time the damned thing.”’ Ward Churchill’s instruction may have been faulty, however:
‘Thenthree of the radicals accidentally blew themselves up in a New York brownstone, and
Churchill decided that he had had enough. He became involved with Native American and Black
Panther causes - “I was identifying more with people of color than the white left” - and started
working for AIM in 1972, the year before the Wounded Knee, S.D., shootout between activists who
had seized the village and FBI men who joined the violent confrontation.’ (Denver Post, January
18, 1987)^41 One of those who perished in the explosion of the Weatherman bomb factory in New
York’s Greenwich Village was, as we have seen, Bill Ayers’ then girlfriend, the wealthy heiress
Diana Oughton.

This was precisely the time when pro-terrorist professor Ward Churchill was teaching bomb-
making to the Weatherman, as he himself boasted in a 1987 Denver Post interview. The old
Weatherman ideology burns brightly in Ward Churchill, a veteran provocateur and wrecker. Ward
Churchill speaks with much greater frankness about the Weatherman world view than do Ayers,
Dohrn, and the rest of their circle, who need to be more careful of what they say in public. Ward
Churchill lets it all hang out – he is the Weatherman who tells you what the others are thinking
today. And this is what Ward Churchill is thinking these days: “One of the things I’ve suggested is
that it may be that more 9/11s are necessary,” Churchill said in a 2004 interview to Satya
magazine.^42 Churchill specifies that he does not want a revolution; things are too far gone for that.
He does not want a new regime to take power in the U.S. Instead, he explained, he wants the state
destroyed. Like Wolfowitz after 9/11, he wants to “end states” – specifically this one. “I want the
state gone: transform the situation to U.S. out of North America. U.S. off the planet. Out of
existence altogether,” he concluded. This is indeed the hard line of the academic, foundation-
funded, and intelligence-community linked ultra-left provocateurs. These are the sorts of people
who will triumph in an Obama administration.^43 Ward Churchill thus wants to annihilate and to
obliterate the United States. This is a proposal for genocide. One of the central ideas of this book is
that the old Weatherman program of destroying the American people in the service of the
intelligence community, the foundations, and the Wall Street finance oligarchy, expressed more or
less openly by Wright and with special violence and cynicism by Ward Churchill, is in fact the only
possible program of a future Obama administration.

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