174 Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography
“some guy who lives in my neighborhood.”’ (Steve Diamond, ‘That “Guy Who Lives in My
Neighborhood”: Behind the Ayers-Obama Relationship,’ noquarterusa.net, June 19, 2008) In
reality, there is every indication that Ayers functions as a close political adviser to Obama, and his
umbilical cord to key parts of the intelligence community who have a say in the actions of the
Perfect Master. As Diamond points out, ‘Perhaps this would be of just historical interest if it could
be firmly established that Bill Ayers no longer has any role in the Obama campaign. But that is not
something we know for sure yet. In a recent television interview with Greta Van Susteren, John
Murtagh, a Republican town council member from Yonkers, New York, said that Ayers is currently
an “advisor” to Obama. Murtagh has a particular and understandable sensitivity to the Ayers-
Obama connection besides his Republican politics: his father was a New York Supreme Court (in
NY the Supreme Court is a trial court) judge who presided over a trial of the “Black Panther 21” in
1970-71.... Murtagh was 9 years old at the time. During the trial Murtagh’s home was fire bombed
and Murtagh claims the Weather Underground was responsible for that bombing along with several
others in “solidarity” with the Panthers. He charges, specifically, that Bill Ayers’ wife Bernardine
Dohrn later took credit (apparently on behalf of the entire WU group) for the bombing.’ (Steve
Diamond, ‘Who “sent” Obama?’ globallabor.blogspot.com, April 22, 2008) Nor is this all. There
are indications that the Weatherpeople regard Obama as one of their own, whose seizure of power
will crown with unimagined success their long march through the institutions began in late 1969
and early 1970 when they went into clandestine and underground life. Does Obama bear the
Weatherman tattoo flaunted by Ayers? Will Obama function as a Weatherman in the White House?
Will he pardon Weatherman fanatic and butcher Dave Gilbert, thanks to whose efforts two cops and
a security guard died in the Brinks robbery attempted by the Weatherpeople?
Large parts of the federal bureaucracy might well be in continuous insurrection against Obama
from his hypothetical first day in office. This would include parts of the Justice Department and
various individual law enforcement officials. Here are some excerpts from an April 18, 2008
interview by CNN’s Lou Dobbs with Andrew McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor:
On CNN, April 18 — DOBBS: Bill Ayers, we’re hearing today from Mayor Daley that he also
knows Ayers and he’s just a fine fellow and no problem, don’t be — please don’t be
discomforted by Senator Obama’s relationship with him.
MCCARTHY: Look, of all the people who’ve ever bombed the Pentagon and the State
Department and the New York City police headquarters, I’m sure he’s one of the best. But I —
my sense is that regular Americans aren’t going to see it that way.
DOBBS: Senator Obama, you are declaring rather straight forwardly, is denying some relatively
close relationships that he is suggesting are not — are distant.
MCCARTHY: Yeah, well he’s denying the relationship, but I think more importantly what he’s
trying to obfuscate is that there’s a trajectory to all of this and there’s a theme that runs through
it and whether its some of the statements made by his wife or Reverend Wright or Bernardine
Dohrn and Ayers, the fact is he’s comfortable...Bernardine Dohrn being Ayers’ wife. The other
Weather Underground terrorist who was Ayers’ wife. But, he’s comfortable with people who
hate this country. And I think when he talks about and makes the theme of his campaign
“Change,” and since he hasn’t really explained to us much about the change, we’re entitled to
infer, from the people he’s comfortable with, who are social revolutionaries, the kind of change
he wants to make in America.
DOBBS: You’re including, obviously, Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
MCCARTHY: Of course, right.