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(Nandana) #1
IV. Apprenticeship with Foundation-Funded Terrorists: Ayers and Dohrn 181

international institutions. It needs more work to be able to say if the US involvement supported or
engineered by the Big Foundations changed the way in which the city was imagined at the
international scale, or rather created some new frame in which the city was imagined and managed.
It seems that the big foundations heavily contributed to create a new market for governmental
consultancy, quite close in its operation to the one that had been created on the domestic scene in
the 1930s. A vital role in this development was the one played by 1313 leaders, when they
cooperated with the Spelman and when they shaped the action of the Ford.’^68 Here, in typical
barbarous foundation-speak, is a good description of the interlocking nests of foundation operatives
which constitute the political, social, and intellectual milieu from which Obama has emerged: the

During the Eisenhower years, right-wing critics of the financier elite inevitably viewed the 1313
gang – in reality the proponents of a collectivism based on Wall Street finance capital, not the
proletariat — as tinged with communism, and thus as ‘a secret nest and nexus of totalitarian evil in
the U.S. One lead voice in the chorus of accusations was a woman from southern California named
Jo Hindman. In 1959 and 1960 she published six articles in the American Mercury magazine that
identified an insidious threat to American values and traditions that she termed “Metropolitan
Government” – Metro, for short. In a 1963 book entitled Terrible 1313 Revisited, Hindman
disclosed to the world that “... .in the late 1950’s, location of the Metro capital was discovered at
1313 E. 60th Street, Chicago 37, Illinois, a twenty-two organization clearing house. This arsenal of
totalitarianism spews Metro directives, programs, and projects all over target U.S.A....In concept,
practices, and in rapidly multiplying instances, Metro has wrecked private homes, businesses,
property rights, and the ballot franchise. Upon the shambles of these basic concepts in American
government, Metro seeks to force upon Americans collectivized Metropolitan Government, totally.”
Metro’s key devices as enumerated by Hindman included zoning, public health measures, building
codes, urban renewal and transjurisdictional authorities like the New York Port Authority. An
Internet search still finds many references to Terrible 1313 on right-wing websites today.” (Bruce
Thomas, “1313’s Hidden History,” Hyde Park Herald, May 23, 2004) Ms. Hindman’s analysis may
have lacked sophistication, but she was surely on firm ground when she ascribed a basic world
outlook of malevolence and oligarchical arrogance to the 1313 gang. This look back at 1313 as the
later spawning ground for David Axelrod has also provided us with the immediate pre-history of the
Ford Foundation “community control” and “local control” counterinsurgency methods of the late

Now a new generation of the 1313 project is poised to take power in the person of Ford-
Rockefeller operative Obama, the Manchurian candidate whose campaign is dominated by David
Axelrod, an operative who owes his training to the 1313 operation.

Obama’s sordid associations suffered another implicit blow on the eve of the Pennsylvania
primary, when Pope Benedict XVI concluded a visit to Washington and New York with the
benediction, “God bless America,” as he boarded his plane for the journey back to Rome. Many
recalled the “No! No! No! God damn America!” rant of the satanic racist provocateur Jeremiah
Wright of the foundation-funded black liberation theology synthetic religion, from whom the
Perfect Master had imbibed hatred and political support for two decades.

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