The emerging oligarchy of the United States holds the vast majority of the American population
in deep contempt, considering them as Okies, bubbas, ghetto-dwellers, white trash, wetbacks,
Appalachians, crackers, red-necks, losers, marginals, rubes, and hicks. – Webster G. Tarpley,
Surviving the Cataclysm, 1998.
No matter his ultimate political fate, there is already enough pathos in Barack Obama to make
him a cautionary tale. His public persona thrives on a manipulation of whites (bargaining), and
his private sense of racial identity demands both self-betrayal and duplicity. His is the story of a
man who flew so high, yet neglected to become himself. – Shelby Steele, March 18, 2008
As political candidates go, Obama is an intrinsically weak specimen. In this chapter we will
further illustrate the two sides of the proposition that Obama has never in his life won public office
through a genuinely contested and disputed election. Obama’s preferred mode of taking office has
been by having his patrons in the banking establishment mobilize their resources to destroy his
opponents. We will see the truth of this basic tenet first in Obama’s failed 2000 attempt to take
away the seat of popular Southside Chicago Black congressmen Bobby Rush, who represented a
real opponent capable of contesting an election, and thus defeated Obama by a wide margin. We
will then see the other side of the proposition in the form of Obama’s Senate race in the year 2004,
when not one but two reasonably formidable opponents had to be destroyed by piloted scandals, and
when a carpetbagger and buffoon had to be brought in from far away Maryland, all to make sure
that Obama finally got into the Senate as the Trilaterals wanted. In the course of telling this story,
we will comment on the hollow gesture represented by Obama’s October 2002 speech concerning
the Iraq war, which will be put into the necessary perspective by showing Obama’s support for the
Iraq war and rejection of impeachment as a remedy after he got to the Senate. Our story here takes
on the character of a Bildungsroman, a novel of coming of age, or a rake’s progress — in this case,
the growth and advancement of one of the most ruthless, treacherous, and unprincipled political
opportunists of our age, who is at the same time one of the most reckless of politicians in his
personal life as well as in his devil- may-care attitude towards his own flip-flops.
In 2000, Obama made an unsuccessful Democratic primary run for the U.S. House of
Representatives seat held by four-term incumbent Bobby Rush. Obama radically overestimated his
own chances of winning this election, and insisted on forging ahead despite advice to the contrary
from some of his oligarchical sponsors, including Newton Minnow. In Obama’s rash behavior in
undertaking this long shot bid for the Congress, we can see the signs of the overweening pride and
arrogance verging on megalomania which already characterized his mentality. The megalomania,
as we will see, has grown over the years, and by the late summer of 2008 was reaching proportions
worthy of the Emperor Nero.
Obama’s failed bid for the Congress is also instructive because, since both major candidates
were black, it removes the race issue from consideration, and can thus be used as a crucial
experiment to show that Obama’s fundamental weakness lies in his elitism and systematic
oligarchical refusal to understand the situation of working families in the United States today. It
also shows that Obama can be a very stubborn and headstrong subject: