280 Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography
Given Obama’s Trilateral-Rockefeller pedigree, it was not surprising to see that the supporters of
the Messiah’s campaign resembled nothing so much as a reunion of retreads from the catastrophic
Jimmy Carter regime of 1977 to 1981, an administration which had set in motion the disastrous
Great U-Turn of the United States towards deindustrialization, a low wage economy, pessimism,
and collapse. Now the Carter veterans gathered around their new clone, Obama. One of these was
Paul Adolph Volcker, the Trilateral boss of the Federal Reserve who had placed the United States
firmly on the course of deindustrialization and decay. Volcker was clearly overcome with
admiration for Obama:
“After 30 years in government, serving under five Presidents of both parties and chairing two
non-partisan Commissions on the Public Service, [said Volcker,] I have been reluctant to
engage in political campaigns. The time has come to overcome that reluctance,” Mr. Volcker
said .... “However, it is not the current turmoil in markets or the economic uncertainties that
have impelled my decision. Rather, it is the breadth and depth of challenges that face our nation
at home and abroad. Those challenges demand a new leadership and a fresh approach.” He
concluded: “It is only Barack Obama, in his person, in his ideas, in his ability to understand and
to articulate both our needs and our hopes that provide the potential for strong and fresh
leadership. That leadership must begin here in America but it can also restore needed
confidence in our vision, our strength, and our purposes right around the world.”^128
This is from the man who succeeded in doing what Hitler, Tojo, Stalin, and Mao failed to do,
that is to say laying waste to the industrial might of the United States with interest-rate policies so
disruptive that they outclassed even nuclear weapons. Volcker’s endorsement was a real feather in
Obama’s cap.
President Carter himself had signaled a preference for Obama early on, but waited until the
primaries were about over before he formally endorsed Sen. Obama, D-Ill., after the South Dakota
and Montana primaries. ‘“The fact is the Obama people already know they have my vote when the
polls close tonight,” President Carter told The Associated Press earlier in the day.’^129
The list would not be complete without the current patriarch of the Rockefeller family, John D.
Rockefeller IV, who has increasingly taken over from the now decrepit David Rockefeller, the last
surviving member of the Rockefeller Brothers generation.
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) endorsed fellow Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) .... Rockefeller,
chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Obama’s position on the Iraq war in 2002 was
partially behind his decision to support the Illinois senator. “The indisputable fact is Barack Obama
was right about Iraq when many of us were wrong,” Rockefeller said in a statement. “It was a tough
call and the single greatest national security question, and mistake, of our time.”^130
The most important endorsement of all was of course that of Zbigniew Brzezinski, the cofounder
of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller 35 years ago, and the person whose criminal
energy has only grown with the passing years when it comes to his lifelong obsession of destroying
Russia. Brzezinski was effusive in his praise of the Illinois Senator:
Obama “recognizes that the challenge is a new face, a new sense of direction, a new definition
of America’s role in the world,” Brzezinski remarked during an interview on Bloomberg