VII: The Hope Pope and his Trilateral Money Machine 281
Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt.” “Obama is clearly more effective and has the
upper hand,” Brzezinski said. “He has a sense of what is historically relevant, and what is
needed from the United States in relationship to the world.” Brzezinski dismissed Hillary
Clinton as totally inadequate: “Being a former first lady doesn’t prepare you to be president.
President Truman didn’t have much experience before he came to office. Neither did John
Kennedy,” Brzezinski said. Clinton’s foreign-policy approach is “very conventional,”
Brzezinski added “I don’t think the country needs to go back to what we had eight years ago.”
“There is a need for a fundamental rethinking of how we conduct world affairs,” he continued.
“And Obama seems to me to have both the guts and the intelligence to address that issue and to
change the nature of America’s relationship with the world.” (Bloomberg, “Zbigniew
Brzezinski Endorses Barack Obama,” Friday, August 24, 2007)
Serious students of history immediately recognized that this last point was an indispensable part
of classic fascist political doctrine; see the final chapter of this book.
The columnist Colbert I. King of the Katherine Meyer Graham stable complained about a winter
2008 report in Newsweek magazine that the Clinton campaign was attacking Zbigniew Brzezinski to
get at Obama.
“In a January conference call with American Jewish organization leaders, the magazine reports,
Clinton senior adviser Ann Lewis attempted to denigrate Obama’s pro-Israel credentials by
pointing out that Zbigniew Brzezinski is Obama’s “chief foreign policy adviser.” Brzezinski,
Newsweek noted, “has a reputation that is close to toxic in the American Jewish community.”’
That sounded fair enough; Brzezinski was after all the father of modern Islamic fundamentalism
and the architect of the Khomeini regime in Iran. But for the devotees of Obama, any criticism
is ipso facto illegitimate. Colbert I. King took the occasion to whine: “it mattered not to
Clinton’s clan that Brzezinski is not a key Obama advisor, that Obama has said he has had
lunch with Brzezinski only once or that they have exchanged e-mails perhaps three times.
Linking Obama to someone who is anathema to the Jewish community was the point to be
scored — even if it meant committing a foul.” (Washington Post, March 1, 2008)
Colbert I. King is a liar. As we show in this book, Zbigniew Brzezinski is more than an adviser
to Obama — he is his controller, and the developer of the entire profile which Obama is using to
run for president. Unless and until Obama abandons his obsessive secrecy and tells the full story of
his years at Columbia University, we will persist in the suspicion that Obama was in fact recruited
by Zbigniew Brzezinski at Columbia in 1981-1983 as a member of the left CIA stable of
foundation-funded political assets. As far as Obama’s implausible denials are concerned, they leave
the door wide open to the obvious possibility that Brzezinski gives Obama his orders at breakfast or
dinner, or that he gives his instructions to the candidate by instant messaging or by phone. Henry
Kissinger is famous for never giving the clients of his influence peddling business even a single
scrap of paper with writing on it; maybe Brzezinski operates with the same kind of secrecy. As we
show elsewhere in this book, there were times during the Carter administration when Brzezinski had
to be kept off the TV networks and hidden in the closet; maybe Zbig has figured out that if you are
Dr. Strangelove it is best to keep a low profile. But the irrefutable fact remains that when
Brzezinski introduced Obama on the occasion of his first major foreign policy speech, the Polish
revanchist was unquestionably billed as the campaign’s senior foreign policy adviser.