282 Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography
Thanks in part to the work of the present writer, the Brzezinski connection became a serious
embarrassment to Obama, just as the Polish revanchist (in 1980 arguably the most unpopular
Democratic official since LBJ) had been a huge albatross around the neck of Carter. Here are some
relevant excerpts from a transcript of the National Public Radio program “To the Point,” in which
the Jerusalem Post correspondent Caroline Glick and the Obama Middle East advisor Mel Levine^131
comment on who is actually running the senator’s foreign policy in that part of the world:
Warren Olney: (directed to Caroline Glick) You have expressed very severe reservations about
Senator Obama and have reservations in regards to his stance on Israel. In particular his
association with some of his advisors and to Jeremiah Wright. Can you speak to some of the
concerns you have about Senator Obama.
Caroline Glick: Senator Obama surrounds himself with people who are overtly either anti
Semitic like Rev. Wright, anti-white like Rev. Wright, anti-American like Rev. Wright, or
simply and viscerally anti-Israel like Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Robert Malley, and Samantha
Power his former advisor, and then there are people who are messianically anti-Israel like Dan
Cursor, the former US Ambassador to Israel and Egypt. And each time then it’s pointed out to
him (Obama) that these people have made statements and followed policies that are inherently
hostile to Israel, he says, “Well, these aren’t reflective of my views.” And the fact is, among all
of these people there are no counter balancing force among Barack’s advisors or friends or Rev.
Wright’s that is supportive of Israel. So, I find the whole perception that he can say, I wasn’t at
church then, or the fact that Zbig was in Syria the same week that [Hezbollah leader] Imad
Mugniyah was assassinated in Damascus, and there is no one on his team that is different from
Brzezinski on Israel, so it is all but impossible not to conclude that views of ALL of his
advisors are reflective of his views.
Host: Mel Levine would you distinguish yourself from Mr. Zbigniew Brzezinski? And to what
extent is Zbig an advisor to Barack Obama?
Mel Levine: I, I, ah, I, ah, um, I’m speechless after what I heard from Ms. Glick. My views on
Israel are very clear to anyone I have ever worked with in Congress. I am one of his Middle
East Advisors and my views are very different from Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Zbigniew
Brzezinski is NOT one his foreign policy advisors, nor one of his advisors at all. This really
points out the nature of the type of distortions that have been leveled to Senator Obama for
quite some time. And what Ms. Glick has said is completely false.” (To the Point, NPR, April
21, 2008)
Obama’s attempted sleight of hand was obvious to the world: Moscow News referred on April 3,
2008 to “...Zbigniew Brzezinski, who is trying to conceal his involvement with Barack Obama’s
team.” It is worth repeating that, in the wake of the Samantha Power “monster” flap, Zbiggy had
been billed in published reports as an advisor to Obama: ‘In response to a request for reaction to her
resignation earlier today, the office of Brzezinski—another of Obama’s foreign policy advisers—
relayed the following statement: “I think an expression of regret for using an inappropriate
description of Senator Clinton should have sufficed. And I don’t think she should have resigned.”’^132
Along with Brzezinski, a key to the entire Obama machine was Soros. House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi, an abject failure who stood long ago have been ousted and sent to the back benches,
distinguished herself during the primaries by her treachery against Senator Clinton on the question
of sexist and misogynistic propaganda favoring Obama. Pelosi pretended to be neutral, but it was