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(Nandana) #1
292 Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography

Dr. Post had worked for two decades as the head of CIA bureau charged with developing
psychological profiles of the leaders of foreign states and other targets of Langley. Ironically, Dr.
Post was interviewed by Sam Litzinger on WWWT radio in Washington DC in early May 2008 at
some length precisely about this question of wounded souls. Michelle Obama was thus revealed as a
fascist ideologue so cynical that she introduced the technical jargon of mass brainwashing into her
standard stump speech. It was clear that the intelligence community’s professional mind-benders
were an integral part of the Obama campaign apparatus, helping to churn out the demagogy about
hope for broken souls when they were touched by the new false messiah.


The older American common sense would suggest that if your soul is broken, you probably need
a priest, or else a shrink. The idea that you would turn to a politician is a decidedly novel one, and
by all indications a sign of decadence and degeneracy in a culture which has been made ripe for
fascism by the degradation of eight years of Bush-Cheney neocon domination, false flag terrorism,
and senseless wars. But, whatever the cause, fascism is fascism and it must be denounced wherever
it is found. Those who call attention to the presence of fascism deserve credit, whatever their
motives, and however objectionable other aspects of their own outlook might be. We must
therefore thank Caroline Glick for having had the courage to write the following:

Speaking in February of the man she knows better than anyone else does, Michelle Obama said
that her husband, Illinois Senator and candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination
Barack Obama, is the only candidate for president who understands that before America can
solve its problems, Americans have to fix their “broken souls.” She also said that her husband’s
unique understanding of the state of souls of the American people makes him uniquely qualified
to be President. Obama can do what his opponent in the Democratic race Senator Hillary
Clinton, and Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, cannot
do. He can heal his countrymen’s broken souls. He will redeem them. But then, saving souls is
hard work, and Mrs. Obama won’t place the whole burden on her husband. He’ll make the
Americans work for him. As she put it, “Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to
demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of
your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zone. That you push yourselves to be better.
And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved,
uninformed.” At base, Mrs. Obama’s statement is nothing less than a renunciation of
democracy and an embrace of fascism. The basic idea of liberty is that people have a natural
right to live their lives as usual and to be uninvolved and uninformed. And they certainly have a
right to expect that their government will butt out of their souls.’ (Caroline Glick, “Obama the
Savior,” Jerusalem Post, April 22, 2008)
Neocon or not, Ms. Glick is precisely on target. Perhaps in the near future American politics will
be divided into the broken souls faction, and another faction which will demand that government
butt out of their souls. It would be better to divide over real economic issues, and Obama has been
deployed among us for the precise purpose of making sure that such a reality-based economic
debate does not happen.


Another important window into Michelle Obama’s fascist ideology is provided by a report of the
advice she gave her husband early in the primary season. Here we read the following:

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