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(Nandana) #1
IX: Obama’s Triumph of the Will: The 2008 Primaries 325

He was an abusive drunk and philanderer whose temper soured his career.’ (Spengler, Asia Times,
Feb. 26, 2008) Obama also has a powerful demagogic weapon to turn against the American people
as he seeks to ram killer austerity down their throats: this is the global warming hope is, assiduously
cultivated over some two decades by the oligarchical Malthusian profiteer and parasite Al Gore.
The ultimate source for Obama’s future austerity programs is doubtless Prince Charles, the ego
ideal and master of Obama’s backer Gore. Prince Charles comes from the British royal family,
which supported Mussolini in the 1920s and Hitler in the 1930s. After World War II, they turned to
green fascism in the form of extreme Darwinian-Malthusian zero growth, and now to global
warming as the basis for their genocide policy against the third world. As Prince Charles recently
stated: “We will end up seeing more drought and starvation on a grand scale. Weather patterns will
become even more terrifying and there will be less and less rainfall,” he said. “We are asking for
something pretty dreadful unless we really understand the issues now and [the] urgency of them.”
The neofascist Prince claimed that the rainforests, which provide the “air conditioning system for
the entire planet”, releasing water vapour and absorbing carbon, were being lost to poor farmers
desperate to make a living. Charles raved that every year, 20 million hectares of forest – equivalent
to the area of England, Wales and Scotland – were destroyed and called for a “gigantic partnership”
of governments, businesses and consumers to slow it down. This is just the kind of PPP or public-
private partnership which represents the preferred expression for the fascist corporate state in the
English-speaking world. “What we have got to do is try to ensure that these forests are more
valuable alive than dead. At the moment, there is more value in them being dead,” Charles
estimated that the cost would be about £15 billion a year towards which he offered to pay nothing,
but rather attempted to con his listeners by defining this as an insurance policy for the whole world.
“That is roughly just under one per cent of all the insurance premiums paid in the world in any one
year. It is an insurance premium to ensure the world has some rainfall and reasonable weather
patterns. It is a good deal.” A good deal for parasites and genocidalists, one might observe. (Andrew
Pierce, “Prince Charles: Eighteen months to stop climate change disaster,” Daily Telegraph, May
18, 2008) Prince Charles is clearly counting on Obama to break the back of the remaining industrial
powers during the first year of his presidential term; this would inevitably be followed by social
chaos and mass starvation.

In an article entitled “Global warming hysteria serves as excuse for world government,” Daniel
Taylor outlines how the exploitation of the natural phenomenon of “global warming” was a pet
project of the Club of Rome and the CFR. “In a report titled ‘The First Global Revolution’ (1991)
published by the Club of Rome, an oligarchical think tank, we find the following statement: “In
searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global
warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.... All these dangers are caused by
human intervention... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”^174 With Bush, the enemy image
(Feindbild) was concocted on the basis of the 9/11 myth. With Obama, the enemy image is
humanity in general, based on the insane hoax of overpopulation, the limits of growth, and of
carbon dioxide as a pollutant. The essence of fascist economics is the imposition of a state-
sponsored compulsory cartel for the purpose of reducing employment and cutting production,
outside of which no economic activity is permitted. Back during the Carter years, the Trilateralists
concluded that the way to impose the fascist corporate state in the United States is to do it under the
cover of ecological and environmentalist explanations. The Al Gore “cap and trade” swindle
predicated on global warming is the chosen means to smuggle the fascist corporate state in through
the back door under the cover of controlling the emissions of so-called greenhouse gases. Cap and
trade represents Gore’s method of creating a new financial bubble after the catastrophic collapse of

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