IX: Obama’s Triumph of the Will: The 2008 Primaries 353
had sexual and drug-related encounters in November 1999. Sinclair also claimed that Obama was
personally acquainted Donald Young and that choir director Donald had contacted him shortly
before being murdered from multiple gunshot wounds on December 23, 2007. These killings are
receiving a number of different reactions. Mike Parker, reporting for CBS in Chicago, wrote,
“Activists fear gay African-Americans are being targeted for murder,” while Marc Loveless of the
Coalition for Justice and Respect queries, “Are we under attack? Is this a serial killer?” An even
more sinister aspect of this case is being investigated. Sinclair has stated in an affidavit to the
Chicago Police Department, Donald Young had informed him that he and Barack Obama were
“intimate” with each other. Sinclair revealed in a January 18, 2008, YouTube video that on two
separate occasions in November 1999, he engaged in sexual acts with Obama, and that Obama
smoked crack cocaine—once in a limousine and the other time at a hotel in Gurnee, Ill. Sinclair has
also raised the important question of why Donald Young, whom he had never met, would initiate
these calls using cell phone numbers which Sinclair had given to the Obama campaign, at a time
when Sinclair had not yet gone public with any part of his story and was therefore not a public
figure. A private investigator connected to the Chicago Police Department told the Globe, “Donald
Young was silenced because of something he knew about Obama. Donald was in a position where
he heard a lot of things and saw a lot of things concerning Barack.” ... The unavoidable fact was
that three gay black men had died, two by violence, within a span of 40 days among the members of
Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ, which at the time was the object of consuming
media attention.^182
Another echelon of scandal was the Michelle Obama racist tirade against white America,
reportedly employing extreme language. Still another echelon involved contacts of the Obama
campaign to certain foreign organizations, including terrorist groups like the Chechen rebels. A
mere hint was the case of Robert Malley, who was forced out because he was meeting with Hamas.
Malley was working for the International Crisis Group, which is funded by Soros and features
Brzezinski on its board. Far more explosive are Brzezinski’s lobbying activities for Ilyas
Achmadov, the resident US envoy of the top Chechen terrorist gang, which specializes in massacres
of women and children in hospitals and schools, with a body count in the thousands. Achmadov is
now living in Washington DC with an upscale apartment, a posh office, a secretary, a travel budget,
and a public relations budget, all generously paid for by US taxpayers – an arrangement obtained
for him by Brzezinski. Moscow wants Achmadov extradited to stand trial as a mass murderer and
terrorist, but Brzezinski is protecting him.
This year of 2008 was a rare historical turning point, a watershed party re-alignment election in
the series 1828 (Jackson), 1860 (Lincoln), 1896 (McKinley over Bryan), 1932 (FDR and the New
Deal), and 1968 (the Nixon southern strategy). A new stable progressive coalition for the next four
decades needed to be forged, and only Clinton had shown the ability to permanently incorporate
Latinos, Asians, Reagan Democrats, women, retirees, union households, Jewish voters, and other
key groups which will be critical for dominating the Electoral College until about 2050. Obama was
betting on a congeries of groups and a crazy quilt of oddly assorted states to make it. Clinton’s
underlying appeal to black voters would return once the smoke had cleared. Clinton’s duty was
therefore to act to save the country from national catastrophe under Obama and his controllers,
whatever it took.