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event also marks the great watershed in Brzezinski’s personal life, since with the occupation of
Poland by the Nazis and the Soviets his diplomat father, who had been posted to Canada, no longer
had a country to represent. The Brzezinski family gravitated into the social world of the eastern
European puppet governments in exile set up by the British. It is the twisted mentality of these
revanchist aristocratic and British agent circles which lives on in Zbigniew and his clan, including
Mark, Ian, Mika, and Matthew Brzezinski today, and which fuels their fanatical hatred of Russia.
Josef Korbel, the father of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and the mentor of Condi
Rice, belonged to these same anti-Russian circles. For various reasons, Brzezinski blames these
events on Stalin, although he must have some idea of the grave responsibility of the Astor-
Chamberlain group.
The Italian historian Gaetano Salvemini concluded that the reverses suffered later on by the
British ‘were the logical consequences of a basic assumption, i.e. that Hitler, after swallowing
Austria and Czechoslovakia, would go and meet his doom in Eastern Europe. If one ignores that
assumption, British foreign policy after 1934 becomes a succession of absurd muddles. If one bears
it in mind, the policies of the British Tories become clear and consistent.’ Salvemini offered this
verdict on the bungling geopoliticians of the British leadership: “...on the Conservative
Government of Britain falls the responsibility of giving Hitler rope with the idea that he would hang
himself. By throwing Central Europe piecemeal to the wolves they thought they were heading Hitler
off eastwards to meet his doom in Russia: two birds killed with one stone.^200 The American
historian Frederick Schumann concurred, pointing to the British desire to wipe out the Soviet
leadership, which resembles the anti-Russian and anti-Chinese plans of the Brzezinski group: “The
destruction of the Soviet counter-elite was a constant object of the [British] oligarchy after
1917...The USSR must be isolated. The ties between France and her eastern allies must be broken.
France must be immobilized, for any French involvement in the clash to come would, for
geographical reasons, entail British involvement — which was precisely what was to be avoided.
The immobilization of France required the strengthening of Italy and Germany to a point at which
Paris could not challenge them. Hence remilitarization of the Rhineland, threats to French
communications in the Mediterranean, and Fascist victory in Spain were all useful devices to
supplement British efforts to keep France neutral....In the end the Fascist Triplice [Germany, Italy,
and Spain] must attack the USSR....This program could never be openly acknowledged by Tory
officialdom because the masses whom the oligarchy ruled (and even some members of the
oligarchy itself) had unfortunately been conditioned to respond favorably to such shibboleths as
‘indivisible peace,’ collective security,’ and “League of Nations.’^201 More recent leftist historians
have come to a similar conclusion: ‘The alternative argument presented here is that those in the
[British] ruling group before May 10, 1940 were bloody-minded protectors of privilege whose
fixation with destroying communists and communism led them to make common cause with
fascists. They were not honest, idiotic patriots; they were liars and traitors who would sacrifice
human lives in their defense of property and privilege....Blame for the tragedy of World War II,
including the Holocaust, must rest partly with Stanley Baldwin, Neville Chamberlain, Lord Halifax,
and their close associates, who, far from being naïve appeasers anxious to avoid wars in Europe,
were visceral anti-communists who single-mindedly pursued an alliance with Hitler.’^202 Future
historians writing from the rubble of a post-World War III world will doubtless issue some similar
indictment of Brzezinski and company for his contorted, contradictory, crackpot scheme to isolate
China, and then play China (and Iran) against Russia and get rid of all of them that way, procuring
another century of US-UK world domination.