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(Nandana) #1
52 Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography

his mind.’ Notice that the racist-terrorist-Luddite Fanon, the writer who influenced Obama the most,
has disappeared. He is now replaced by Nietzsche, the classic protofascist philodoxer of the
nineteenth century. The top Nazi ideologue, Alfred Rosenberg rightly claimed Nietzsche along with
Richard Wagner, the antisemite Lagarde and the racist Houston Stewart Chamberlain as a precursor
of the Nazi movement. As we argue elsewhere, it is most likely through existentialism, of which
Nietzsche was a precursor, that Obama developed as a social fascist. (“Finding His Faith,”
Newsweek, July 12, 2008,

Obama’s acolytes at the reactionary Chicago Tribune found even less about Obama’s Columbia
years than the swooning liberals at the New York Times.

Obama spent just two years at Occidental. He said in a recent interview that he had begun to
weary of the parties and fretted about a lackadaisical approach to his studies. He grew more
introspective and serious. His mother’s warnings were beginning to take hold. Seeking a fresh
start, he transferred to Columbia University in New York City. Classmates and teachers from
those days remember him as studious and serious, someone who hit the library in his off hours
instead of the bars. “If I had to give one adjective to describe him, it is mature,” said William
Araiza, who took an international politics class with Obama. “He was our age, but seemed older
because of his poise.” (Maurice Possley, “Activism Blossomed in College,” Chicago Tribune,
March 30, 2007)
That’s it. Nothing more. No Dink Stover at Yale, no This Side of Paradise. Before you know it,
Obama has left Columbia and is out in the big world: “After his graduation from Columbia
University in 1983, he worked briefly for a New York financial consultant and then a consumer
organization.” Bob Secter and John McCormick, “Portrait of a Pragmatist,” Chicago Tribune,
March 30, 2007) Some postings on the Internet have alleged that Obama is seeking to hide a phase
of flamboyant homosexuality during his years at Morningside Heights. This may be so. However,
the principal thesis argued here, based on very strong circumstantial evidence, is that Obama is
seeking to conceal the central event of his entire personal story: his recruitment by Zbigniew
Brzezinski as a long-term controlled political asset and sponsored career of the Rockefeller-
controlled Trilateral Commission.


Brzezinski during these years was fresh from having directed the National Security Council
during Jimmy Carter’s sole term in office. As we have seen elsewhere in this book, it was in
precisely this period of the early 1980s that Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington, and other long-term
Trilateral planners were reflecting on the results of the Carter regime, while looking forward to
wrecking and frustrating a general political upsurge in the United States (known in Huntington’s
parlance as a creedal passion period) which they could already see on the horizon, and which they
located at that time in the years between 2010 and 2030. It is safe to assume that Brzezinski and
Huntington were also concerned with recruiting young political talent which they could develop,
groom, indoctrinate, and brainwash for various purposes, including that of political candidate, over
the coming decades. Brzezinski and Huntington, in short, were looking for political assets which
they might employ during a quarter century perspective which was the framework for their future
activity. Because of the strong Ford Foundation pedigree of Obama’s mother, young Barack would
have been an obvious choice as a subject to be interviewed and vetted. The contention here is that
Obama was recruited in the context of this effort, and that since then, his career has been fostered
and sponsored by the circles of the Trilateral Commission.

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