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(Nandana) #1
II: Columbia University and Recruitment by Zbigniew Brzezinski 69


We have already seen Obama in his role as a community organizer for the Gamaliel foundation.
We must stress that Obama’s role as a foundation operative begins here, but certainly does not end
when he goes off to law school. No indeed: the vocation of being a foundation operative constitutes
Obama’s family business. His mother was a Ford Foundation operative, and most of the jobs
Obama has ever held were with foundations. When it came time for Obama to start going to
church, he unfailingly chose a congregation where Ford Foundation race theory is projected onto
the plane of heaven and eternity in the form of the provocateur religion of Black liberation theology.

Before we go any further with Obama’s own story, it will be useful to offer an overview of the
strategic orientation of US foundation operations during this timeframe. Foundations represent an
extremely important part of the social control mechanisms which prevail today in the United States.

The foundations are all the more effective in their chosen work of social control, engineering and
political manipulation because many people are simply unaware of the immense scale of their
operations, even though every broadcast on public television or National Public Radio is always
accompanied by a litany of the foundations which have financed that program. One way to
understand the pervasive influence of foundations is to say that they are as omnipresent in this
country today as the CIA and the FBI were during the Cold War. This is partly because many
intelligence community operations of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s have morphed into foundations under
the auspices of President Reagan’s Executive Order 12333, which privatized many of the existing
spook activities. Many naïve people still think of foundations as being humanitarian or charitable
institutions concerned with education, health, and the improvement of the human condition.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Like Henry Ford himself, the Pew family and many other
oligarchical plans whose family fortunes have been transformed into foundations harbored fascist
sympathies during the 1920s and 1930s. Today, they are overwhelmingly multicultural, politically
correct, Malthusian, and neo-Luddite in their ideology. They hate science and technology because
these are seen as avenues of upward social mobility for the lower orders, and as a threat to
continued financier domination. Perhaps more than any other agency, the foundations have
engaged in the strangulation and perversion of the American spirit over these past four decades in

The late Christopher Lasch, in his classic study The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of
Democracy (New York: Norton, 1995), notes the important role of class prejudice in forming elite
attitudes in this country today. He describes how well-to-do liberals, when confronted with
resistance to their ideas of social engineering, “betray the venomous hatred that lies not far beneath
the smiling face of upper-middle-class benevolence,” and turn on those who “just don’t get it.”
(Lasch, 28) The result is an academic culture which appears to be contemptuous of the human
potential of vast strata of the American population. This is the kind of mentality which we can see
in Obama’s infamous San Francisco “Bittergate” rant. This is a condensed version of the elitist and
left authoritarian mental world of the pro-oligarchical foundation bureaucrats. In order to
understand Obama’s mentality and the decisions he might make as the head of the future regime, we
are therefore obliged to review some critical points about the recent historical record of the Ford
Foundation and its satellites.

Most discussions of Obama’s career as what he calls a “community organizer” are crippled by a
total lack of historical background on the Ford Foundation and its satellites, and further by any
comprehension of the goals of foundation-funded social engineering. Because Obama is so totally a
product of the Ford Foundation and the foundation world of which it is the center, we will have to

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