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(Nandana) #1
II: Columbia University and Recruitment by Zbigniew Brzezinski 89


There is one further aspect of foundation activity which should be mentioned, since it bears on
the activities of Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle Obama, and their close friend Bernardine Dohrn
in their professional careers as lawyers. Bernardine Dohrn in particular received a large grant from
the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation to undertake the institutional reform of the
juvenile justice and Family Court systems in Chicago. The veteran terrorist bombthrower Dohrn
was supposed to do this through a special institute she controlled at Northwestern University. This
MacArthur grant to the aging terrorist pasionaria is coherent with another dimension of foundation
strategy, which is to pervert the courts into tools of social engineering and political manipulation.
Heather MacDonald writes:

Public interest litigation and advocacy embodies the foundations’ longstanding goal of
producing “social change” by controlling government policy. Foundations bankroll public
interest law groups that seek to establish in court rights that democratically elected legislatures
have rejected. Foundations thus help sustain judicial activism by supporting one side of the
symbiotic relationship between activist judges and social-change-seeking lawyers. Foundations
have used litigation to create and expand the iron trap of bilingual education; they have funded
the perversion of the Voting Rights Act into a costly instrument of apartheid; and they lie
behind the transformation of due-process rights into an impediment to, rather than a guarantor
of, justice. Foundation support for such socially disruptive litigation makes a mockery of the
statutory prohibition on lobbying, since foundations can effect policy changes in the courts,
under the officially approved banner of “public interest litigation,” that are every bit as dramatic
as those that could be achieved in the legislature.


In the world of the foundations, the only ones who really know what they are doing are the
finance oligarchs and elitists at the top. The McGeorge Bundy types are the only ones who are
getting their money’s worth. The local people, the black parents, are dupes who are being used by
the financiers as a battering ram to maintain Wall Street’s control of society. Many of the
community control operatives and many of the middle and lower level foundation personnel are
dupes. They are often dupes who think they are fooling the foundation bosses. Obama’s mother,
Stanley Ann Dunham, the disillusioned late Marxist who went to work for the Ford Foundation, was
in all probability a person who thought that she was tricking the McGeorge Bundy types by carrying
out programs and projects which she imagined were very radical and very anti-capitalist, according
to her somewhat diluted Marxist criteria. She might have thought that she was burrowing from
within the institutions to help advance the revolution. By about 1970, there were many radicals who
embarked on this same type of long march through the institutions, as the popular phrase of the time
described it. What these radicals could not see was that their smattering of Marxism had in reality
done little more than make them into useful idiots for the aristocratic financier types, just as Marx
himself had ultimately served the British Empire.

McGeorge Bundy doubtless understood all this when he gave all that money to the raving
firebrand Floyd McKissick so as to create an artificial opposition to Dr. King. Bundy doubtless
knew that Rhody McCoy probably saw himself as a black revolutionary. It was precisely this
dimension of self-delusion that made people like this into such useful idiots. Henry Ford II
obviously lacked this level of sophistication, and was genuinely shocked at what the Ford
Foundation staff had become: a nest of failed radicals and subversives marching through the

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