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(Nandana) #1
III: Foundation-Funded Racism: Jeremiah Wright and Michelle 93

voting rights cases. His part-time adjunct work in constitutional law at the University of Chicago
Law School lasted from 1993 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004.


Obama was now on his way to becoming a Chicago machine pol, but his drooling acolytes seek
to portray his choices as reflecting a self-denial worthy of a holy ascetic. One writes: “When Obama
returned to Chicago, he turned down big-money firms to take a job with a small civil rights practice,
filing housing discrimination suits on behalf of low-income residents and teaching constitutional
law on the side. He had thought he might enter politics since before he left for law school, and
eventually he did, winning a seat in the state Senate at the age of thirty-seven.”(Wallace Wood,
Rolling Stone)

Obama, clearly not acting alone, but rather helped along by his Trilateral mother ship and by the
corrupt Chicago Democratic machine, now became a leader of Illinois Project Vote, which claimed
to have registered 150,000 new voters for the 1992 election. Estimates of those registered vary;
another acolyte relates: “In 1992, he served as executive director of Illinois Project Vote! a voter-
registration drive that added an estimated 125,000 black voters to the rolls and was credited with
helping elect Carol Moseley Braun to the U.S. Senate.” (Purdum, Vanity Fair, March 2008) The
real goal of all this may have been the modernization of the traditional Cook County vote fraud
machine, which has helped so many cadavers send in absentee ballots over recent years. This
activity would become one of Obama’s main talking points in his advertisements for himself when
he was running for state senate a few years later. Obama, with characteristic megalomania, seems to
think that Project Vote was the reason Bill Clinton won the 1992 election. Therefore, when Clinton
endorsed Obama’s opponent Bobby Rush in the Perfect Master’s losing 2000 congressional race,
Obama felt betrayed, and his grudge against the Clintons came to the fore in the venom of the 2008


The political scientist Adolph Green of the University of Pennsylvania came into contact with
Obama around this time, and later wrote:

I’ve never been an Obama supporter. I’ve known him since the very beginning of his political
career, which was his campaign for the seat in my state senate district in Chicago. He struck me
then as a vacuous opportunist, a good performer with an ear for how to make white liberals like
him. I argued at the time that his fundamental political center of gravity, beneath an empty
rhetoric of hope and change and new directions, is neoliberal. (“Obama No,” The Progressive,
May 17, 2008) And there were other layers beneath that.
Obama published his autobiography in 1995; this was Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race
and Inheritance. During his presidential bid, he would get another wave of adoring publicity when
he won a Grammy for the audio version of this book. What kind of a person writes an
autobiography before he is 40? Surely one that is self-centered or self-absorbed, or possibly self-
obsessed. Such an autobiographer might well be a megalomaniac, with delusions of grandeur on the
scale of Nero.

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