Teaching English as a Foreign Language

(Chris Devlin) #1

Chapter 9: Who’s The Boss around Here? Managing Your Classroom 129

Figure 9-2:
into groups

Desk for
4 students


Make sure that you’re able to walk around the desks (large desks or groups of
desks) so you can interact freely with students and monitor their work.

In order for students to see the board and you, they can sit sideways on.

Going for traditional rows
The most traditional classroom layout, shown in Figure 9-3, is mainly suitable
for exams and tests.

Students in this kind of layout are less likely to feel relaxed and part of a team.

You’re likely to find classrooms set up like this unless you ask for something
different, but don’t accept the room as you find it. Arrive early to set things up
in the best way for you and your students.
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