Environmental Biotechnology - Theory and Application

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282 Index

Clean technology 50–1, 61, 76, 77–86,
230, 235, 247, 249, 252–6, 259,
procedures 216–26
vectors 219
Clostridium 259
Codon preference 227
Colonisation of the rhizosphere 256
Colony 14
Comensals 258
Cometabolism 55
Competence 14
Composting 107, 164, 183–91, 245, 258
Concentrate and Contain 69
Conjugation 60
Consortia 12
Corynebacteria 259
Cost issues 7, 76–7, 82, 89–91, 110–1,
139, 144, 158, 194, 215, 230, 248–9,
269, 274
Crop quality improvements 224
Crown gall 262
Cyanide 32
Cyanobacteria 37, 259

Dark Reactions 41–3
Darwin, Charles Robert 1
DDT 57
Deep Shaft Process 134
Degradation of pollutants 11
Denitrification 31, 33–4, 123, 149, 158
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 14, 19
(fig), 21(fig)
mobility 59–61, 214
rearrangements 60
Desulphurisation of coal and oil 80–1
Dilute and Disperse 68
Drosophila 2

EDTA 154
Effluents 4, 113–41, 154–64, 264
Eichhornia 157
Electron Transport Chain 23, 28, 31–5,
Embden-Meyerhof Pathway 16 (fig), 22
Endocrine disrupters 25, 56, 269
Endomycorrhizae 258, 261–2
Endophytic bacteria 258
Endosymbiotic Theory 13
Endotoxin,δ 227
Entner-Doudoroff Pathway 22

Environmental microbial analysis 47
Enzymes 51, 78, 148, 174, 205
Equilibrium, algal and bacterial 163
Ethanol production 204, 242–4
Ethinyloestradiol, 17α-56
Eukaryotes 12
Eutrophication, functional 163, 205–7
Expression of genetic information 21
Expression vectors 220
Extensive technologies 94
Extrachromosomal elements 60
Extremophiles 50–4, 61, 270
Extremozymes 51–2, 270–1

Fats 24
Fermentation 23, 29
Ferns 144, 145
Filamentous bulking 132
Filter media 73–4, 127–8, 129
fixgenes 261
Floc 130, 131–2
Food to Microorganism (F:M) Ratio
“Foreign” genes 215, 274–5
Fossil fuels 165–7, 238
Fungi 13, 185, 257, 261–2, 263

Galactosidase,β(β-gal) 221
Genetic Engineering 1, 149, 213–33,
techniques 216–26
Genetically Manipulated Organisms
(GMOs) 2, 49, 252, 273–5, 276
Genome/genes 20, 21 (fig)
Genomic libraries 218
Global warming 165, 237–8
Glucuronidase,β(GUS) 57, 221
Glucuronidation 56
Glycogen 28
Glycolysis 16 (fig), 22
Glyoxalate Cycle 16 (fig), 24
Glyphosate 226
Gratuitous degradation 55
“Green” chemistry 51
Greenhouse gases 238, 258

Halophiles 53, 271
Hatch-Slack Pathway 39 (fig), 42, 43
Hemicellulose 174
High Rate Algal Pond 163–5
Horizontal spread/transfer 14, 273, 275
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