Index 283
Hydraulic containment 150–3
Hyperaccumulators 144, 146–7
Hyperthermophiles 52, 270
Identification of microorganisms 29–30
Immobilisation of pollutants 11
Incineration 92, 176, 236–7
Indigo dye 223
Industrial applications 4, 6, 78–9, 122,
264, 270–2
Influences on environmental biotechnology
8, 50, 77, 89–91, 97–9, 111, 139,
175, 207, 235, 243, 269
Injection Recovery 104
Insertion sequences 60
Integration 9, 96, 109, 235–67
Intensive technologies 94
Intervention points 3, 49, 139, 173
Introns 218
Klebsiella 259
Laboratory identification of microbes 47
Lamarkism 2
Land Farming 106–7
Landfill 176–80
Landfill gas (LFG) 177, 181, 239, 241
leachate 161–2, 178–80
Land Spreading, sludges and effluents
Latent pathways 17, 50
Leghaemoglobin 261
Light Reactions 37–41
Lignin 174–5, 185, 198, 258
α1–4 174
β1–4 174
Lipids 24
Lithotrophic organisms 15
Loading rates 133–4, 198
Luciferase 221
Macrophyte Treatment Systems 155–62
Mariner genes 274
Market for environmental biotechnology
5, 110
McClintock, Barbara 60
Membrane Bioreactors 137
Metabolic capability 19
Metabolism 15–45
Metals 70–2, 95, 145–8, 149, 154,
156–7, 160, 207, 229, 264
phytoremediation of 145–8
Methane 177–8, 192, 238–42
Methanogenesis 28, 31, 33–4, 50, 179,
193–4, 239–40
Microbial pesticides 253–6
Microbiological profiling 186
Microbombardment/biolistics/gene guns
Microcosms 275
Mitchell, Peter 31
Monitoring 11, 105–6
Monooxygenases, P450 227
Multi Cloning Site (MCS) 219
Mutant 214
Mycorrhizae 149, 252, 257
Natural attenuation 100–1, 108
Nematodes 82, 185, 255, 263
nifgene clusters 261
Nitrification 42, 116, 123, 158, 183, 185
Nitrogen Cycle 27, 42, 45
Nitrogen fixation 42, 153, 258–9
nodgenes 260
Noise pollution 152–3
Nucleic Acids
degradation 27
structures 19 (fig)
Nutrient Film Techniques 162
Odour control 72–6, 159, 188
Oestrogen 25, 56–8, 269
Oils 24
Operons 213
Optimisation 3, 9, 93, 105
Organic phytoremediation 148–51
Orthonitrophenol galactoside (ONPG)
Oxidase test 33
Oxidation,β 25
Oxidation Ditch 136
Oxidative Phosphorylation 13, 28, 31–5
PAHs 57, 58, 138, 153, 248
Pathogens 181, 208, 251
bacterial 228
plant 258, 262–3
PCBs 59
pGEM 219–20
pH 50, 51, 54, 69, 99, 133, 194, 199
Pheromones 183–4
Photorespiration 35, 44
Photosynthesis 36–43, 165, 166, 237