life expression more fulfilling and better aligned with the bigger
game we're all about. As you increase the speed and agility with
which you clear the "runway" and "10,000-foot" levels of your life
and work, be sure to revisit the other levels you're engaged in, now
and then, to maintain a truly clear head.
How often you ought to challenge yourself with that type of
wide-ranging review is something only you can know. The princi-
ple I must affirm at this juncture is this:
You need to assess your life and work at the appropriate hori-
zons, making the appropriate decisions, at the appropriate intervals,
in order to really come clean.
Which brings us to the ultimate point and challenge of all this
personal collecting, processing, organizing, and reviewing method-
ology: It's 9:22 A.M. Wednesday morning—what do you do?