The Personal Benefit
How did it feel to go through the collecting and downloading
activity? Most people say it feels so bad, and yet feels so good.
How can that be?
If you're like most people who go through the full collec-
tion process, you probably felt some form of anxiety. Descriptive
terms like "overwhelmed," "panic," "frustration," "fatigue," and
"disgust" tend to come up when I ask seminar participants to
describe their emotions in going through a minor version of this
procedure. And is there anything you think you've procrastinated
on in that stack? If so, you have guilt automatically associated
with it—"I could have, should have, ought to have (before now)
done this."
At the same time, did you experience any sense of release, or
relief, or control as you were did the drill? Most people say yes,
indeed. How does that happen? Totally opposite emotional states
showing up as you're doing a single exercise, almost at the same
time—anxiety and relief; overwhelmed and in control. What's
going on here?
When you understand the source of your negative feelings
about all your stuff, you'll discover, as I did, the way to get rid of
them. And if you experienced any positive feelings from collect-
ing your stuff, you actually began the process of eliminating the
negativity yourself.
The Source of the Negative Feelings
Where do the not-so-good feelings come from? Too much to do?
No, there's always too much to do. If you felt bad simply because
there was more to do than you could do, you'd never get rid of that
feeling. Having too much to do is not the source of the negative
feeling. It comes from a different place.
How have you felt when someone broke an agreement with