collecting your "stuff," 104-18
in-basket inventory for, 117-18
mind-sweep and, 113-17
preparations for, 105-6
problems in, 108-10
things to leave where they are, 106-7
time required for, 104
from various locations, 110—13
collection habit, 225-35
amount of collecting required for,
negative feelings and, 226-27
personal benefits of, 226—33
and preventing broken agreements
with yourself, 227-31
relationships and organizations and,
traditional time management vs.,
commitments, see internal commitments,
dealing effectively with
computers, 218
next action list for, 144,145
computer software, 219-21
contact managers, 165—66
context, 49,192-95
Cooper, Ann McGee, 64
Cooper, James Fenimore, 47
countertops, 111
Covey, Stephen, 19?
critical thinking', 73-74
"daily to-do" lists, 7-8,40-41
daily work, threefold model for evalua-
tion of, 50-51
databases, 161-62
day-specific actions, 39-40
day-specific information, 40
Day-Timers, 7
decision catalysts, 172—73
decision-making criteria, creation of, 63,
decorations, 106,107
deferring, 131,135-36
defining your work, 50-51
delegating, 131,133-35,156-57
systematic format for, 133-34
tracking handoff in, 135
desk drawers, 111
desktop, clearing of, 110—11
distributed cognition, 72--73
doing, 25,48-53,191-210
creating the option of, 237-40
and four-criteria model for choosing
actions, 49,191,192-95
in processing "in," 131-33
questions to ask yourself in, 209
and six-level model for reviewing your
own work, 51-53,191,200-210
and threefold model for evaluating
daily work, 50-51,191,196-200
Drucker,Peter F.,5,15,184
dumbing down, 242-43
Dumpsters, 94,102
efficiency, xi
Einstein, Albert, 41,67
electronic note-taking, 28
e-mail, 6
databases and, 161-62
in delegating, 134
general-reference filing and, 164-65
in-basket for, 31
storage of, 28
workflow from, 152-54
emergency scanning, 122
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 15
empowerment, 247-48
energy availability, 49,192,194-95
equipment, office, 106,107,112
errands, 144,145-46
events, upcoming, 172
executive operational reviews, 189
fast track, 249-50
file folders, 93, 99,141,150n
reference, 38-39,44-45
tickler, 42,43-44,173-75
filing systems, 96-101,218-19
general-reference, 164-65,218-19
hanging files in, 100-101
labeling of, 100
large category, 165