Getting Things Done

(Nora) #1

lists {cont.)
updating of, 47
waiting-for, 35,46,140,149-50,186
Lotus Notes, 162n

McGriffy, Michael, 40
Maltz, Maxwell, 68
managing action, 18—23
bottom-up approach to, 19-20
horizontal and vertical ways of, 20-21
in one's mind vs. using objective tools,
as prime challenge, 18-19
martial arts, ready state and, 9-12
meetings, setting up, 214
memory, short-term, 22-23
memos to self, 176
Microsoft Outlook, 7,141,153n
Microsoft Word, 219
"mind like water" simile, 10-11,104,257
mindmapping, 70-72,220-21
Mind Over Water (Lambert), 10
mind-sweep, 113-17,237
moment-to-moment balancing act,
motivation, 63, 65
moving forward, final tips on, 258
Mowrer, O. H., 85
multilevel outcome management, 253
multitasking, 124
mundane, mastering the, 252
Myer, Rochelle, 62

natural planning, 56—59
amount of planning needed in, 77-80
brainstorming and, 56,57,70-74, 79
example of, 56—58
five steps in, 56,62-81
focus and, 63, 65,67-68
next actions and, 56,58,75-77
organizing and, 74-75
outcome clarification and, 68-70,79
power of, 253-54
principles and, 56-57,66
purpose and, 56-57,62-66, 79
step-by-step questions for, 58-59
vision and, 67

next-action decisions, 236-48
creating option of doing by, 237-40
procrastination and, 240-44
source of technique of, 237.
value of, 244-48
next actions, 4,34-35,45,46,54
calendars for, 39-40
lists for, 41,140,143-49,186
in planning, 56,58, 75—77
in processing "in," 124-36
nonactionable items, 33-34,41-45,

. incubation, 41,42-44,125,126-27
organization of, 163—75
in planning projects, 213-15
reference, 41,44-45,125,127-28
of someone else, 77
trash, 41,42,125-26
Nordenholt, George F., 242
notebooks, 162-63
notes, processing of, 185—86
note-taking, electronic, 28

objectives, two key, 3-4
office actions lists, 144,146
office equipment, 106,107,112
office space, setting up, 89-91
office supplies, see work tools
one-final-thing syndrome, 102-3
one item at a time, processing of, 123-24
open loops (incompletes), 12-13,26—27,
options, expansion of, 63,65
organization, in managing workflow, 24,
basics of, 75
next-action categories, 39-41
nonactionable items, 41-45
planning in, 56,57-58, 74-75,78
of projects, 37-39
workflow diagram for, 36
organizers, 95-96
organizing, 138-80,214
of action reminders, 142—55
of checklists, 176-80
of nonactionable data, 163-75
of project reminders, 155-63
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