Sustainable Urban Planning

(ff) #1
empowerment A term which can be regarded as similar to but less
politically centrist than ‘enablement’.

enablement The inculcation of skills and education for enabling indi-
viduals and communities to comprehend their situational
circumstances responsibly, enabling them to take eco-
logically acceptable action and to make progressive social
change. Self-esteem and mutual trust are outcomes of

GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

GIS Geographic Information System

hh Households (per acre/hectare)

inclusionary Controls aimed at specifying a category of uses and users
for inclusion in a specified area. Inclusionary ‘rural’
zoning is aimed at including rural activities, land uses
and farming occupiers – and by inference, excluding the
likes of urban activities and urban-worker residents.

Landcare Rural land-use programmes engaging a bottom-up
philosophy wherein landowners are guided to identify
their own problems and provide their own sustainable

Local Agenda 21s A phrasing coined from the 1992 ‘Rio Declaration’ (United
Nations Conference on Environment and Development)
published as Agenda 21– an agenda for environment and
development in the twenty-first Century. A ‘Local Agenda
21’ is a policy-and-plan document which embodies the
Rio Declaration principles in a local manner and style. See
Appendix to chapter 5.

MAI Multilateral Agreement on Investment, an ‘on hold’
global protocol for free trade without tariffs.

metric equivalents Distances: One metre is 3.28 feet (1 foot is 0.305 m); 1
kilometer is 1000 m: approximately 0.62 mile: one mile is
1.61 km.
Areas: Hectare 10,000 m^2 – and approx 2.5 acres: one acre
is 43,560 sq. ft. – and aprox 0.4 ha. 1 m^2 equals 10.75 sq. ft.

xiv Glossary

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