always the problem of how to get from ‘here’ (a patently unsustainable and
socially ailing urbanity), to ‘there’ (prosperous socio-environmental urban
Scientific certainty is the anvil of generic sustainability on which the hammer-
head of empowerment (knowledge power and outcomes – chapter 2) beats out
policy guidelines and design actions. This is the essence of proactive sustainable
urban planning and the future way ahead for local government.
Balanced Urban Living
There has been much conflicting community-level analysis of the urban condition.
The information gap identified by Gerecke and Reid (1991) offers a view about
those who would style themselves to be planners as ‘Having no clearly defined
goals, and still working very much with a discredited methodology...[further
observing that they] are not handling the challenges of the city very well’. Cer-
tainly by most understandings of sustainability, cities and suburbs gaze across a
gap of incredulity following decades of reactive local government administration.
Yet it is the city, more particularly the suburbs, that the standard settler society
citizen is born into, lives within, and is usually cremated without. Suburbs are the
focus and intent of majority life, and all is far from well in terms of their fiscal and
energy drain, their social fragility, and for the suburbs themselves as physically
organized places of habitation. There is also the peri-urban threat of forest fires in
California and south-eastern Australia, earthquakes in central New Zealand and
260 Practice
clear intention that there will be a useful synergy. A
public-private joint venture can deliver outcomes of
benefit to the private sector developer (a useful ‘buddy’
relationship, generating certainty, priority treatment) and
to the public sector (good outcome, effective control,
environmental quality).
PRIVATE CONTROLS(also known as Covenants,
Deed Restrictions, and sometimes as Private Zoning) are
supplementations to the official regulation of develop-
ment, particularly during a project’s construction and
consolidation phases. Private Controls delimit the land-
use, landscaping, aesthetic and nuisance factors relating to
the development and occupancy of a project. Covenants
should run with the land title rather than a landowner.
JOINT OWNERSHIPis a style of co-ownership (as
with co-housing trusts and in condominia) allowing for
individual ownership in association with a multiplex of
other owners. Co-ownership arrangements usually
define ‘private’ ‘semi-public’ and ‘public’ spaces. To be
effective joint ownership projects and estates are con-
trolled by an overarching managing unit.
D. Abbott,Encyclopaedia of Real Estate Terms, 1987.
Davidson and Dolnick,Zoning Development and Planning Terms,
J. W. Reilly,The Language of Real Estate, 1982.
J. S. Gross,Webster’s New World Real Estate Dictionary,
For TDRs consult T. Daniels When City and Country Collide,
1999 (App. G).
For zoning options, see Flexible Zoning, Urban Land Institute,
1991 and M. Morris,Incentive Zoning, 2000.
OnThe Takings Issue, Meltz, Merriam, Frank (1999).