Sustainable Urban Planning

(ff) #1

To act in a pragmatic neomodernist manner in the New
World context is to behave sensitively and cleverly in
relation to ecology, economy and society. This is about
cultural survival exercised through political choice. So it
is very much a ‘political’ matter. The call in the twenty-

first century is to integrate this preference with practice.
Cross-referencing with the expansive Box 3.7 Matrix
given in chapter 3, consider the following pragmatic array:

Box 1.2 Continued

‘Was’ twentieth-century‘SMART’ ‘Could Be’ twenty-first century‘CLEVER’
Power: Dominion over nature Wisdom: harmony with nature
Top-down command structures Bottom-up: knowledge sharing
Material growth Human fulfilment
Mono-culturalism Multi-culturalism
Interdisciplinary Trans-disciplinary
International Regional and local
External dependency Within-nation reliance
National intervention Local action and delivery
Bulk exporting Niche exporting
Military posturing Demilitary positioning
Paradigmatic science Biospheric science
Environmental restoration Environmental defence
Hard technology Soft technology
Exploiting resource ‘capital’ Living off resource ‘interest’
Fordist production Flexi-production
Land-use zoning Sustainable planning
Driving a car Walk–cycle–bus–train
Dump and forget Repair–recycle–reuse
Trauma entertainment Role-model entertainment
Urban expansion Urban revitalization
Sprawl Consolidation
Rebuilding Retrofitting
Push through Work around
Workplace employment Homeplace employment
Network television Local radio
Online telephoning Cellular telephoning
Postal services FAXing and emailing
Impact assessment Impact avoidance
Disposable packaging Reusable packaging

Above all else, acting correctly in a neo-traditional
(neomodern) way, invokes humanity and humility. A key
pragmatic necessity can be identified as employment.
Modernist employment policies engage ‘smart’ people
who can operate sophisticated technologies, leaving vast
numbers unemployed. Neomodern employment policies

would seek also to ‘cleverly’ engage a wider spectrum of
lesser-skilled workers to operate real-work technologies.
The pragmatic litany given above is not directly relevant
to low-income nations, which require a specific-to-them
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