Kant: A Biography

(WallPaper) #1
Notes to Pages 208—216 475

  1. Voigt, Kraus, p. 21.

  2. See Kurt Röttgers, "Christian Jakob Kraus (1753-1807)," Jahrbuch der Albertus
    Universität zu Königsberg 29 (1994), pp. 125-135, p. 128.

  3. Voigt, Kraus, pp. 261".

  4. Hamann, Briefwechsel, III, p. 205.

  5. Hamann, Briefwechsel, III, p. 242.

  6. Hamann, Briefwechsel, III, p. 260.

  7. Hamann, Briefwechsel, III, p. 261.

  8. Kant, Correspondence, p. 93 (Ak 10, p. 248).

  9. Voigt, Kraus, p. 87.

  10. Ludwig von Baczko, Geschichte meines Lebens, vol. I (Königsberg: Unzer, 1824),
    pp. i87f. (Malter, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, pp. n8f.).

  11. Kant, Correspondence, tr. Zweig, pp. 9of., p. 91. Kraus later said that he "read only
    for the best heads in his lecture hall" (Voigt, Kraus, p. 401). This is not precisely
    the same approach Kant followed. See pp. 358-359 of this volume.

  12. Kant, Correspondence, tr. Zweig, p. 91.

  13. Ak 10, p. 242.

  14. Baczko, Geschichte meines Lebens, I, pp. 22of. See also Thomas Studer, "Ludwig
    von Baczko. Schriftsteller in Königsberg um 1800," in Königsberg. Beiträge zu
    einem besonderen Kapitel der deutschen Geistesgeschichte, ed. Kohnen, pp. 399-
    424, see especially p. 413. Studer quotes another passage in which Baczko
    explains that Kant's advice was the result, at least in part, of a more private en¬
    counter. Kant, who lived at Kanter's house, noticed that Baczko took out travel
    books and read them, and therefore encouraged him to study geography and
    anthropology. The two accounts are not necessarily incompatible.

  15. Baczko, Geschichte meines Lebens, II, pp. 222—223 (Maker, Kant in Rede und
    Gespräch, pp. I2of).

  16. Hamann, Briefwechsel, IV, p. 210.

  17. Baczko, Geschichte meines Lebens, II, pp. I3f. (not in Malter, Kant in Rede und

  18. Adolf Porschmann, "Die ersten Kantianer in England," in Studien zur Geschichte
    des Preussenlandes, ed. Ernst Bahr (Marburg: N. G. Elwert Verlag, 1963), pp. 470-

  19. See A. F. M. Willich, The Elements of the Critical Philosophy (1798; reprint New
    York: Garland, 1977).

  20. Salomon Maimon, The Autobiography of Salomon Maimon, tr. Hugo Bergmann
    (London: The East and West Library, 1954), p. 94

  21. See pp. 360-361 of this volume.

  22. Stark, "Hinweise zu Kants Kollegen vor 1770."

  23. Stark, "Kant als akademischer Lehrer," p. 67.

  24. Rink, Ansichten, pp. 43f.

  25. Ak 10, p. 231.

  26. Ak 10, p. 236.

  27. Ibid.

  28. Ak 10, p. 244 (Nov. 24, 1778).

  29. Ak 10, p. 254.

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