Kant: A Biography

(WallPaper) #1

Notes to Pages 267-273 483

  1. Kant, Practical Philosophy, p. 10 (Ak 8, p. 14).

  2. Hamann, Briefwechsel, V, p. 107.

  3. Hamann, Briefwechsel, V, p. 87.

  4. The letters are translated in Schulz, Exposition, pp. 145-162.

  5. For a more extensive discussion of this, see James C. Morrison, "Introduction,"
    in Johann Schultz, Exposition of Kant's Critique, p. xi-xxxi. See Ak 10, pp. 35if.

  6. Ak 10, p. 367. Hamann followed these developments with great interest and re¬
    ported them to his friends. See Hamann, Briefwechsel, V, pp. 36, 71, 87, 108, 123,

  7. Ak 10, pp. 368f.

  8. Hamann, Briefwechsel, V, p. 134.

  9. Ak 10, p. 362.

  10. Ak 10, pp. 389^ Immanuel Kant, Briefwechsel, selection and notes by O. Schön-
    dorffer, revised by R. Maker, introduction by R. Maker and J. Kopper, 3rd. ed.
    (Hamburg: Meiner, 1986), pp. 932f., 935f See also Walter Kuhrke, Kant's Wohn¬
    haus. Zeichnerische Wiederherstellung mit näherer Beschreibung, 2nd ed. (Königsberg:
    Gräfe und Unzer, 1924).

  11. Ak 10, p. 391.

  12. Borowski, Leben, p. 76 (Malter, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 255).

  13. Borowski, Leben, p. 76 (Malter, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 254).

  14. Euler, "Kants Amtsgeschäfte," p. 63.

  15. Euler, "Kant im akademischen Senat," unpublished manuscript; see also Euler
    and Stiening, "'... und nie der Pluralität widersprach'?", pp. 57f, 5gf.

  16. Hasse, Kant's Tischgenossen, pp. 5f.

  17. Voigt, Kraus, p. 199; compare also Borowski, Leben, p. 83 (Malter, Kant in Rede
    und Gespräch, p. 406).

  18. Puttlich, in Malter, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 263.

  19. Voigt, Kraus, p. 199. This problem was, of course, not just Kant's. The walls in
    eighteenth-century houses had to be given a new cover of paint (usually just white
    chalk) at least once a year. Kant was apparently not very regular in having this

  20. Scheffner, in Maker, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 320.

  21. Hamann wrote on June 1, 1785, that Kant spent "all his afternoons until 7:00 P.M.
    at Green's house" (Hamann, Briefwechsel, V, p. 448); this is supported by Kraus
    in Reicke, Kantiana, p. 60: "during Green's last years he [Kant] spent several
    hours every afternoon at Green's house, since he could no longer leave the
    house on foot." Jachmann, Kant, p. 162, said: "Kant went there [to Green's] every

  22. Hamann, Briefwechsel, IV, p. 396; see also Maker, Kant in Rede.und Gespräch,
    p. 188.

  23. Hamann, Briefwechsel, IV, pp. 78, 232, 355, 359, 439; V, pp. 316, 448.

  24. Hamann, Briefwechsel, IV, p. 205. Hamann's plan to translate the book goes back
    to these conversations.

  25. Hamann, Briefwechsel, IV, p. 393.

  26. Jachmann, Kant, p. 162.

  27. Rink, Ansichten, p. 45.

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