Kant: A Biography

(WallPaper) #1

492 Notes to Pages 317-3 21

have been a former student of Kant's, and that makes it likely that it was either
Kraus or Borowski.

  1. Rink, Ansichten, p. 148.

  2. Hamann, Briefwechsel, VI, p. 380.

  3. Jachmann, Kant, p. 143..

  4. Jachmann, Kant, p. 144.

  5. Rink, Ansichten, p. 50 (Maker, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 290).

  6. Hamann, Briefwechsel, VI, p. 376, p. 472: "Kant complained yesterday in bitter
    desperation that he could not get his sphincter to open."

  7. Reusch, Kant und seine Tischgenossen, p. 290.

  8. Maker, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 341.

  9. Ak 10, p. 430; Hamann Briefwechsel, VI, p. 302 (Maker, Kant in Rede und Gespräch,
    p. 291).

  10. Maker, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 307.

  11. A second edition of the former appeared as early as 1788.

  12. Vorländer, Kant, pp. I5of. This order was rescinded at the end of 1787.

  13. Christoph Meiners, Grundriss der Seelenlehre, Preface. In his Outline of the History
    of Philosophy of the same year, he continued to criticize Kant in a book called
    Grundriss der Geschichte der Weltweisheit.

  14. Ak 10, pp. 43of.

  15. Hamann, Briefwechsel, VI, p. 349.

  16. Hamann, Briefwechsel, VI, p. 349; see also p. 401.

  17. Anthony Quinton, "The Trouble with Kant," Philosophy 72 (1997), pp. 5-18.

  18. Quinton "The Trouble with Kant," p. 18.

  19. Hamann, Briefwechsel, VI, p. 350.

  20. Hamann, Briefwechsel, VII, p. 46.

  21. Hamann, Briefwechsel, VI, p. 353. Hamann wrote: "he could not read it because it
    was too psychological," and then goes on to say that Herz was "his best student
    and respondent," but that Kant had complained "pretty loudly" about misunder¬
    standings of his philosophy that he had perpetrated in the Betrachtungen of 1771.

  22. Borowski, Leben, p. 88 (Maker, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 292).

  23. See Davies, Identity and History, pp. 321"., for a discussion of Kant's and Herz's

  24. Jachmann, Kant, p. 165 (Maker, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 329).

  25. Voigt, Kraus, pp. 175^ Stark, "Kant und Kraus," should be consulted in reading
    this part of Voigt because he has identified and published one of Voigt's sources
    (see especially pp. 182-191).

  26. Kant had been asked by the Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung to write a review (Ak 10,
    p. 470). He obviously got Kraus to do it instead. See Stark, "Kant und Kraus,"
    pp. i7of.

  27. Voigt, Kraus, p. 177.

  28. Voigt, Kraus, p. 178. As Kraus was finishing the review, Kant was writing the Pref¬
    ace to the second edition of the Critique of Pure Reason. See Hamann, Briefwech¬
    sel, VII, p. 123 (see also p. 122).

  29. Hamann, Briefwechsel, VII, p. 184.

  30. See Stark, "Kant und Kraus," p. 179.

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