Kant: A Biography

(WallPaper) #1
Notes to Pages 347-355 497

  1. Ak 5, p. 247.

  2. Äks, p. 267.

  3. Ak 5, p. 268.

  4. Aks, p. 274.

  5. Ak 5, p. 280.

  6. Ak 5, p. 285.

  7. Ak 5, p. 290.

  8. Aks, pp. 338f.

  9. Ak 5, p. 340.

  10. Aks, p. 354.

  11. Aks, p. 279.

  12. Aks, p. 387.

  13. Aks, p. 394.
    77- Aks, p. 395.

  14. Aks, p. 417.

  15. Ak5,p. 433.

  16. Ak 5, p. 436.

  17. Ak 5, p. 442.

  18. Ak 5, p. 450.

  19. Ak 11, pp. 95, 106; see also pp. 121, i22f.

  20. Ak 11, pp. 121, I29f., 136, i4of., 141, I42f., 193, 383.

  21. See Between Kant and Hegel: Texts in the Development ofPost-Kantian Idealism, tr.
    and ed. George di Giovanni and H. S. Harris (Albany: State University of New
    York Press, 1985), pp. 104-135. The volume also has a helpful Introduction.

  22. di Giovanni and Harris, Between Kant and Hegel, p. 61.

  23. Reinhold, "Allgemeiner Gesichtspunkt einer bevorstehenden Reformation der
    Philosophie," Der Teutsche Merkur (June 1789), pp. 243-274, pp. 251-252^

  24. di Giovanni and Harris, Between Kant and Hegel, pp. 61-2.

  25. di Giovanni and Harris, Between Kant and Hegel, p. 26.

  26. Über die menschliche Natur, aus dem Englischen, nebst kritischen Versuchen zur Beur-
    theilung dieses Werks (On Human Nature, from the English, with Critical Essays
    for Judging This Work) (Halle: Hemmerde and Schwetschke, 1790-92). This is
    most significant, as this first translation is rather peculiar. It was never meant pri¬
    marily as an accurate source for Humean philosophy, but was designed to present
    an object for criticism. Nor was it a translation of the Treatise, because Jakob left
    out the passages rewritten for the Enquiry and included instead the version found
    in the Enquiry.

  27. It was published with J. J. Gebauer in Halle.

  28. SeeAk 11, pp. i7f., 59-73,88f, 11 if. See Henry Allison, The Kant-Eberhard Con¬
    troversy (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973), pp. 1-21, for a dis¬
    cussion of the details of this affair.

  29. Ak 8, p. 198.
    94- Ak8, p. 235.

  30. Ak8, p. 249.

  31. Ak 8, p. 250.

  32. Malter, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 387.

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