Kant: A Biography

(WallPaper) #1
Notes to Pages 368-376 501

  1. Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, p. 71 (Ak 6, p. 21).

  2. Kant, Political Writings, ed. Reiss, p. 227; see also p. 385, this volume.

  3. Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, p. 103 (Ak 6, p. 60).

  4. Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, p. 123 (Ak 6, p. 85).

  5. Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, p. 130 (Ak 6, p. 95).

  6. Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, p. 159 (Ak 6, p. 131).

  7. Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, p. 177 (Ak 6, pp. iS3f.).

  8. Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, p. 184 (Ak 6, p. 162).

  9. Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, p. 190 (Ak 6, pp. i7of.).

  10. Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, p. 194 (Ak 6, p. 175).

  11. Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, p. 195 (Ak 6, p. 176).

  12. Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, p. 194 (Ak 6, p. 194).

  13. Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, p. 210 (Ak 6, p. 180).

  14. Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, pp. 2O4f. (Ak 6, p. 188).

  15. Ak n, p. 417.

  16. See Ak 8, pp. 274-339. See also Immanuel Kant, Über den Gemeinspruch "Das
    maginder Theorie richtig sein, taugt abernichtfiir die Praxis," ed. Heiner Klemme
    (Hamburg: Meiner Verlag 1992), and Immanuel Kant, On the Old Saw That May
    Be Right in Theory But It Won't Work in Practice, ed. George Miller (Philadelphia:
    University of Pennsylvania Press, 1974).

  17. Ak 8, pp. 284f (Kant, On the Old Saw, ed. Miller, pp. sif.).

  18. Kant, On the Old Saw, ed. Miller, p. 72.

  19. Kant, On the Old Saw, ed. Miller, p. 60. • •:
    [79. Ak 19, p. 595.
    [80. Kant, On the Old Saw, ed. Miller, p. 76.
    [81. Which, according to orthodox belief, it of course was not.

  20. Kant, On the Old Saw, ed. Miller, p. 77.

  21. Kant, On the Old Saw, ed. Miller, p. 79.

  22. Karl von Klauer, for instance, had argued in the Berlinische Monatsschrift of1790
    that the right of revolution followed from Kant's theory. See Klemme, "Ein¬
    leitung," in Kant, Über den Gemeinspruch, pp. ix f. See also Dieter Henrich,
    "Einleitung," in Kant, Gentz, Rehberg. Über Theorie und Praxis, introduction by
    Dieter Henrich (Frankfurt [Main]: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1967). Henrich thinks that
    a satire of Kästner was the occasion of the essay, and he wants to exclude Burke.
    It seems to me a mistake to view the essay as occasioned by just one of the many
    issues to which it was relevant. Kant was concerned about «//of them.
    [85. Epstein, The Origin of German Conservatism, pp. 547-594, calls Rehberg a "re¬
    form conservative." The same holds true of Gentz. Neither of them was satisfied
    with the status quo, but both opposed the French Revolution. Furthermore, both
    believed that Kant's optimism was a mistake. In their view, theory could never be
    sufficient for practice.

  23. The question was asked in French: "Quels sont les progres reels de la Meta-
    physique en Allemagne depuis le temps de Leibnitz et de Wolf?" It was origi¬
    nally announced in 1788 with a deadline of 1791, but the deadline was changed
    to January 1,1792. Johann Christian Schwab (1743-1821), a Wolffian, who had
    contributed to Eberhard's Philosophical Archive, sent in the only submission.

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