Kant: A Biography

(WallPaper) #1
502 Notes to Pages 376-381

Though the work was found to be worthy of a prize, the deadline was extended
to June 1,1795. The second prize was ultimately awarded to two Kantians, namely,
Reinhold and Johann Heinrich Abicht (1762-1816), and the three contributions
were published in 1796. See Ak 20, p. 480. CompareVleeschauwer, Development,
pp. I5if. See also Karl Rosenkranz, Geschichte der Kant'schen Philosophie, ed.
Steffen Dietzsch (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1987), pp. 350-354. (The book was
originally published in 1840.)

  1. There is an outline of an answer on the back of a letter to Kant, dated Novem¬
    ber 5,1793 (see Ak 11, pp. 4Ö6f). The text was first published by Theodor Friedrich
    Rink in 1804. It can be found in Ak 20, pp. 255-332.

  2. Ak 20, p. 264, pp. 28if.

  3. In the earlier essay it was the principle of sufficient reason, the monadology, and
    the doctrine of preestablished harmony.

  4. Ak 20, p. 284. :...•.•..•-...

  5. Ak2o, p. 293.

  6. See Ak 20, pp. 306-310.

  7. Ak 20, p. 231.1 will say nothing about the first draft of the first section, as it re¬
    hearses well-known Kantian themes (which is not to say that they are not of great
    interest to the specialist).

  8. They are just two sentences in German.

  9. The full title reads in English: Aenesidemus, or Concerning the Foundations of the
    Elements Issued by Prof. Reinhold in Jena. Together with a Defence of Skepticism
    against the Pretensions of the Critique of Pure Reason. It appeared anonymously in
    1792. For the entire discussion see di Giovanni and Harris, Between Kant and Hegel.

  10. See George J. Seidel, "Introduction," in Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre of1794: A
    Commentary on Part I, ed. George J. Seidel (West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue Uni¬
    versity Press, 1993), p. 1. See also Martin Oesch (ed.), Aus der Frühzeit des
    deutschen Idealismus. Texte zur Wissenschaftslehre Fichtes, 1794-1804 (Würzburg:
    Königshausen & Neumann, 1987).

  11. Borowski, Leben, pp. 82f.

  12. Rink, Ansichten, p. 60.

  13. Kant published both the letter and his response in The Conflict of the Faculties
    of 1798. See Religion and Rational Theology, pp. 240-2. All translations are taken
    from this volume. I have substituted "evaluated negatively" for "disparaging"
    because it makes Kant's point clearer.

  14. Rink, Ansichten, p. 60.

  15. It was published by Rink only after his death in 1804.

  16. Epstein, The Origin of German Conservatism, p. 367.

  17. Ak 11, pp. 5O7f. The letter is dated June 14, 1794. Since he received the special
    order only in October, he may have been working on this treatise right after
    Stäudlin's invitation to contribute.

  18. Ak 11, p. 533.

  19. However, the Appendix on mysticism (Ak 7, pp. 69-75) °ftne first part could
    have been written only after 1797, i.e., after the appearance of Wilmans's book
    on the relationship between the Kantian philosophy and mysticism. The second
    part of The Dispute on the progress of humanity, or the dispute between the fac-

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